Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Marie Antoinette The Last Queen Of France - 1532 Words

Marie Antoinette was the last queen of France who was stripped of her title, put in jail, and then executed by her own people. Archduchess Marie Antoinette was born on November 2nd, 1755 in Vienna, Austria. She was the daughter of Francis I who was the Holy Roman Emperor and Maria Theresa who was the ruler of the Hapsburg Empire. She lived a fairly peaceful and happy early life at the Schonbrà ¼nn Palace in Vienna. As a child, she did not have to study hard but instead was taught how to live a court life and how to act like a proper lady. However, when she was just fourteen years old, an arranged marriage was created by her family which would be between Marie Antoinette and the future King of France, Louis XVI. Marie was transported to France where she was to be married to Louis. On May 16th, 1770, Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were married in the lavish Palace of Versailles where they began their new life. The early years of her marriage to Louis XVI was very difficult for Marie A ntoinette. She was thrust into her new life where she had few friends and did not know much about how to live a court life in France. Her new husband, Louis XVI, did not seem to want to have anything to do with Marie, let alone attempt to produce an heir to the throne. However, due to the fact that Marie Antoinette had not consummated her marriage with Louis XVI yet, her popularity had begun to plummet rapidly among the peasants and people of the court. During this time, Marie Kelly 2 keptShow MoreRelatedMarie Anttointe Research Paper1053 Words   |  5 PagesMarie Antoinette Fourteen year old Archduchesses Maria Antonia Josephina Johanna of Austria, was obligated to marry Louis the Dauphin of France in order to consolidate an alliance between this country and the dynasty of Habsburg. 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