Monday, February 24, 2020

Drug Abuse as a Crime Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Drug Abuse as a Crime - Research Paper Example It is a very personal matter. The drug abuser willingly chooses to indulge in this practice. Accordingly, it is no one else but the very abuser that suffers in the end. This division between the consequences of crime and drug abuse makes one think of the extent to which, drug abuse should be considered as a crime. Through my research, I shall tend to find answer to this question; Taking its consequences into consideration, to what extent is drug abuse a crime? Significance: More and more people are indulging into the practice of drug abuse. This practice saps their ability to play a constructive role in the society. Drug abusers ruin their own life. Caught in this habit, drug abusers are more in need of psychological counseling and moral help than punishment. In fact, punishment may even aggravate the negativity in the behavior of drug abusers. Therefore, there is dire need to distinguish between drug abuse and crime so that more rational ways can be adopted to deal with drug abusers and make them become responsible citizens. Theory: One of the popular theories of crime is the Lombroso’s theory of crime. In 1876, Lombroso said that criminals are born criminals. They are born with some physical features that distinguish them from the society in general. Lombroso believed that criminals were in the middle of existing and ancient humans. Their heads and faces have specific features that make them criminal.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Story of Stuff Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Story of Stuff - Essay Example Leonard maintains that people are over extracting resources leading to exhaustion of certain resources that include trees and minerals. Globally, during the past decade, 30% of the planet’s resources were consumed. This was mostly done through mining and cutting of trees. To put this point across, Leonard provides statistical data showing how much the U.S is extracting and the problems that America is causing in other regions that have managed to maintain their resources (Leonard, 2007). America has less than 4% of its original forest cover remaining while 40% of their waterways have become undrinkable. Leonard stresses that this is not due to the planet’s incapacity to provide for everyone but the fact that some are using more than their share. The U.S has 5% of the world’s population but it is using at least 30% of the planet’s resources (Leonard, 2007). This implies that it is in turn creating 30% of the total waste in the world. This shows over usage o f resources, which is to blame for the disappearance of 80% of the planet’s forest cover as the developed countries exploit resources in the developing countries after exhausting theirs. In addition, the products that are being manufactured after the over-exploitation of resources are contaminated with toxins. The production stage incorporates usage of power to mix natural resources with toxic chemicals, which leads to the production of toxic products. The modern commerce uses approximately 100,000 synthetic chemicals (Leonard, 2007). However, only few of these chemicals have been tested for health related issues while none has undergone synergetic tests. A good example is the Brominated Flame Retardants, which are known to be very toxic especially to the human brain. As people dip pillows in BFR and then sleep on them for up to eight hours per night, they cannot avoid the health