Friday, December 27, 2019

Early Onset of Ahzheimers in Adulthood Essay examples

Alzheimer’s disease affects the lives of over 5 million Americans today. The cost that it has placed on the U.S is a staggering $203 million dollars. Researchers have reported that those numbers are expected to triple by 2050. However draining that this disease may seem, the real question is whether there is a solution. To this day there is still no cure to stop or even slow down th progression of the brain disease but there are treatments that help cover the symptoms. While the majority of the people who suffer from Alzheimer is generally over the age of 65, about 200,000, of the estimated 5 million, are in the age range of 30-40. First off the list is the impending question; what is Alzheimer’s? In short, Alzheimer’s is a degenerative,†¦show more content†¦While aluminum has been to be a neurotoxin, the fact that it could be a cause of Alzheimer becomes evident in the case of a 58 year-old Caucasian male who worked with the preparation of a material, D ARMATT KM1 that was used as insulation in the nuclear fuel and space industries(Exley, 2). This indicates that he was exposed to aluminum sulphate dust ona daily basis over 8 years. The Caucasian male eventually died at the age of 66, after multiple complaints of headaches, tiredness and mouth ulcers. This mans frontal lobe was then cut into fifty pieces each weighing approximately 300mg, this sample confirmed that this man had a extremely high dosage of aluminum in his frontal lobe alone and while it does not prove that it caused Alzheimers to appear it does indicate that aluminum was highly likely to have contributed to the rapid progression of the disease. There have been many more theories as to what causes the degenerative disease; Oxidative stress which occurs when the body creates too many free radical and their is an imbalance of available antioxidants then damage can occur. Amyloid Proteins can also be named for contributing to the growth of Alzheimers, such proteins as AB , tau, and oligomers can be the real culprit in the neurotoxicity that is the characteristic of AD (Shan 35). Clear indicators that one has Alzheimers disease is the inability to

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Pre-1914 Century Poetry Coursework Essay - 1672 Words

Pre-1914 Century Poetry Coursework In this piece of coursework I will be comparing love songs from six different poems by different authors. I will do ‘First Love’ by John Clare, ‘How Do I Love Thee?’ by Elizabeth Barret Browning, ‘A Birthday’ and ‘Remember’ both by Christina Rossetti, ‘When We Two Parted’ by Lord Byron and ‘Villegiature’ by Edith Nesbit. All these poems that I am going to be comparing are all written before the 20th century, in the early 1700’s and 1800’s era. Love is a strange but a wonderful and powerful emotion. There are many different types of love, such as the love between parent and child, close friends, and the love between husband and wife. Throughout history, love has been expressed in many†¦show more content†¦All six of these poems are trying to send out a message of how they have experienced love but in a different sort of way, for example ‘First Love’ is about a person loving someone for the first time but in this poem it can also be to do with his back ground he might be a worker on a farm and his first love is the owners daughter he is restricted due to something holding him back. How ever in the poem ‘Remember’ it is a sad song about a loss of a lover and that one of the lovers is reminding the other one to keep on thinking and remembering about me because I wont be back. The poem ‘How do I love thee?’ this is a sign of confused love, Elizabeth Browning is not sure how to express her to love to her lover and counts the ways in which she can â€Å"let me count the ways.† She also compares her love a lots of different things, â€Å"I love thee to the depth and breadth and height† she is comparing her love to no limits. These are a sign of abstract love things which are specific objects. All the poets are trying to express their love in a shape of poetry which all have different feelings and ideas about love. All these songs were written before the 20th century and use old style language, in all of the poems there use old English with words ‘thee’, ‘ail’ and ‘vair’. The ways in which these six poems are set out are formal straight to theShow MoreRelatedStatement of Purpose23848 Words   |  96 Pages(245). Identify graduate programs that specialize in your area or areas of interest. Remember, your statement should mention a specific program and perhaps even target a subdivision or an area within that program—not American literature but the 19th century American novel with an emphasis in American Realism and Naturalism. Learn about the professors in the program and familiarize yourself with their research; in other words, read some of their scholarly works—reviews, articles, monographs, and books

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Social Responsible Of International Business - Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss about the Social Responsible Of International Business. Answer: Introduction In the current business scenario, business organizations should also look after the social welfare also apart from their core business objective of profit maximization. This is due to the reason that, the current business scenario is much more competitive in nature with the presence of number of players in the same sectors. Thus, in order to maintain and enhance the goodwill and reputation and to stray ahead in the competition, it is important for the business organizations to initiate the process of corporate social responsibility (Blomqvist, 2014). This refers to the process of allocation of corporate fund for the wellbeing of the society. In the recent times, more contemporary business organizations are initiating activities related to the corporate social responsibilities (Zellweger et al., 2013). Tata is one of the leading conglomerates in the world with their operational facilities present in different locations around the world. They are based in India and have their presence in automobile sector, FMCG sector, fashion sector and steel industries (, 2018). This essay will only discuss about the automobile division of Tata or Tata motors. They are known for their preference for humane approach over commercial approach. In accordance to that, Tata motors follow extensive approach of corporate social responsibilities (, 2018). This essay will critically analyze the theories of social responsibility from the perspective of Tata motors. Moreover, different management theories will also be discussed for the critical analysis. Corporate social responsibility of the Tata motors Activities related to corporate social responsibility of Tata motors covers different areas ranging from health, education and skill development to environment welfare and community development. One of the key social activities in the health sector is setting up of community hospital in Jamshedpur, India along with activities in different locations. However, there are various implications on their business operation due to these activities. One of the key aspects that should be considered is the stakeholder analysis (Costa Menichini, 2013). This is due to the reason that, an organization will have different stakeholders with different interest and they will have diverse perception in view to the corporate social responsibilities. The interest between the customer and management of the organization will be conflicting due to the reason that, the objective of the customers will be to have more value creation from the organization. On the other hand, the objective of the upper level ma nagement will be to maximize profit by reducing the unwanted cost. Thus, with the initiation of the social activities, the reputation of the organization will get enhanced in the market. Customers will have more satisfaction by consuming their products. On the other hand, initiation of the corporate social responsibility will reduce the profit maximization for the upper level management. This is due to the reason that, corporate social responsibility will incur cost from the corporate fund without having any short term or materialistic profit (ORiordan Fairbrass, 2014). Thus, it is being considered as an extra cost for the organization by the upper level management. This led to the generation of conflict between the key stakeholders including the customers and the management. Theories of social responsibility There are various theories being stated by different authors regarding the social responsibility. However, two are the most important theories being used in the mainstream business scenario. Classical view of the social responsibility is one of them (Frynas Stephens, 2015). This theory is being stated by Milton Friedman. According to this theory, the first priority for any business organizations should be the profit and business maximization rather than concentrating on welfare of the society. He also stated that, initiation of the corporate social responsibility lead to the unwanted cost for the company along with taking extra responsibility. This theory states that, the responsibility of community development is with the government and not with the business organizations (Crane Matten Spence, 2013). Thus, in the case of Tata motors, initiation of different initiatives in different sectors causing more cost for them. As of 2016, Tata motors have spent more than 205.70 INR for the activities related to corporate social responsibility. In addition, this cost is not having any benefits for them in terms of increase in profit or revenue. This is due to the reason that, social activities are mainly being promoted for the bottom of the pyramid society and they are not the target customers for Tata motors. Thus, according to this theory, Tata motors should concentrate more on their core business activities over their existing social activities. The second theory is the socioeconomic view of social responsibility. According to this theory, social wellbeing initiatives by the organizations are as important as their core business objective for profit maximization (Huang et al., 2014). This is due to the reason that, this theory states contemporary business organizations are not only seen as economic establishment, rather than they are being considered as an institution, which will have influence in the surroundings and in the society. Thus, this theory promotes that the contemporary business organizations should initiate different social activities. In the case of the Tata motors, this theory is can get more effectively aligned due to the reason that, the business approach of the Tata motors matches with the socioeconomic theory of social responsibility. Due to the extensive social activities being practiced by Tata motors, the social image of them is being enhanced along with their brand identity effectively penetrated in the market. in the South Asian region, the brand of Tata motors is being considered as reliable and authentic. This is being made possible with the social activities that they maintain. Moreover, according to the socioeconomic theory, business organizations are not only for economic benefits, rather they should also engage in social welfare (Kolk, 2016). In accordance to that, Tata motors allocate a portion of their revenue for the social welfare. This helps them to have positive brand image in the market, which eventually helps them to push their products in the market effectively. Critical analysis through ethical theories According to the theory of Kantianism, the principles behind the actions should be right and should be considered in ethical way no matter what the result will be. Thus, the principles will be considered as ethical even if the output is not effective. In the case of the Tata motors, even if the output of their corporate social activities is not positive or effective, then also their initiatives will be considered as ethical (Segal Lehrer, 2013). This is due to the reason that, the investment that Tata motors have made in different sectors will have positive impact on the community and the society. Thus, according to the theory of Kantian ethics, the corporate social responsibilities of Tata motors can be considered as ethical. Limitations of the theories of corporate social responsibilities The classical view of social responsibilities is having various limitations, which are being identified. One of the key limitations is the lack of concentration on the social cause. According to this theory, business organizations should only look after their core business activities rather than doing social welfare. However, in the current business scenario, business organizations should also keep in mind their goodwill and reputation, which are not being stated in the theory. Thus, this theory does not adhere to the contemporary business scenario (Fooks et al., 2013). Another limitation identified is the lack of any details of the ideal approach of social responsibility. This is due to the fact that, according to this theory, business organizations should not promote social responsibilities. Thus, this theory is not stating any form or approach of social responsibility for the business organizations. On the other hand, socioeconomic view of the social responsibility is also having multiple limitations being identified. One of the key limitations being identified is having no clear idea about how to recover the cost incurred in initiating the social activities. This theory stated that, business organizations should promote social activities for the welfare of the society. However, it does not state the way of earning the revenue for these activities. Another limitation being identified is the negative implication of the social initiatives of the business organizations. This is due to the reason that, there may have negative implications for the particular social activity being initiated by the organizations. However, in this theory it is not being stated about how to mitigate these implications. Conclusion Thus, from the above discussion, it can be concluded that, Tata motors follows extensive approach of corporate social responsibilities in their business operation. This essay discussed about the approach of social responsibilities being followed by Tata motors with the help of two of the most popular theories of social responsibilities. It is being concluded that, approach of social responsibility of Tata motors is more aligned with the socioeconomic view theory compared to the classical view. Thus, Tata motors follow the contemporary approach rather than the old school approach. The social activities of them are also being critically analyzed with the help of ethical theories. It is being seen that, the approach of the Tata motors in view of their social responsibilities is ethical from the view of Kantian ethics. Stakeholder analysis is also being initiated in this essay in order to identify the conflict between different stakeholders. Reference Blomqvist, K. (2014). Building sustainable organizational trust in radical changethe interplay of organizational trust and mindfulness. InMindful Change in Times of Permanent Reorganization(pp. 131-145). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Costa, R., Menichini, T. (2013). A multidimensional approach for CSR assessment: The importance of the stakeholder perception.Expert Systems with Applications,40(1), 150-161. Crane, A., Matten, D., Spence, L. J. (2013). Corporate social responsibility in a global context. Fooks, G., Gilmore, A., Collin, J., Holden, C., Lee, K. (2013). The limits of corporate social responsibility: techniques of neutralization, stakeholder management and political CSR.Journal of Business Ethics,112(2), 283-299. Frynas, J. G., Stephens, S. (2015). Political corporate social responsibility: Reviewing theories and setting new agendas.International Journal of Management Reviews,17(4), 483-509. Huang, C. C., Yen, S. W., Liu, C. Y., Huang, P. C. (2014). The relationship among corporate social responsibility, service quality, corporate image and purchase intention.International Journal of Organizational Innovation (Online),6(3), 68. Kolk, A. (2016). The social responsibility of international business: From ethics and the environment to CSR and sustainable development.Journal of World Business,51(1), 23-34. ORiordan, L., Fairbrass, J. (2014). Managing CSR stakeholder engagement: A new conceptual framework.Journal of Business Ethics,125(1), 121-145. Segal, L., Lehrer, M. (2013). The conflict of ethos and ethics: A sociological theory of business peoples ethical values.Journal of business ethics,114(3), 513-528. (2018).Corporate Social Responsibility | Tata Motors Limited. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jan. 2018]. (2018).Overview | Tata Motors Limited. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jan. 2018]. Zellweger, T. M., Nason, R. S., Nordqvist, M., Brush, C. G. (2013). Why do family firms strive for nonfinancial goals? An organizational identity perspective.Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,37(2), 229-248.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Lady Macbeth is the real villain of the play do you agree Essay Essay Example

Lady Macbeth is the real villain of the play do you agree? Essay Paper In ‘The Tragedy of Macbeth’ . Shakespeare portrays many negative subjects through the Acts of the Apostless of Lady Macbeth which show the audience that she is a existent scoundrel of this drama. She holds a malicious docket and many immorality inclinations which separate her from the mean single. but this was merely after construing the witched prophase. Therefore. non merely doing her the lone guilty scoundrel in the drama. Lady Macbeth is no more than an embodiment of immorality. All of the Acts of the Apostless she committed in the drama were nil else but for her selfish wants to derive power of the state and go queen. Her declaration that she would hold ‘dash’d the encephalons out’ of her ain babe if she were to go queen proves of her narcissistic nature and heartless scruples. When she finds out the prognostications given to Macbeth to go male monarch. she instantly acts to make a program to slay the inexperienced person and respected King Duncan of Scotland. We will write a custom essay sample on Lady Macbeth is the real villain of the play do you agree? Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Lady Macbeth is the real villain of the play do you agree? Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Lady Macbeth is the real villain of the play do you agree? Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer ‘Unsex me here’ : Lady Macbeth is mentioning to her Feminine nature and she is seeking to state â€Å"Take away my feminine nature and take away my feelings so I feel no sorrow to assisting kill King Duncan! † ; There can be no understanding for Lady Macbeth. she meant all that she did and set herself in forepart of all people around her. The cardinal elements which make Lady Macbeth a nefarious human being is her inhumane scruples and deficiency of compassion for her victims. her obliquity and her use. The inquiry of whether a person’s existent province of head is accurately reflected from there outside visual aspect ( False visual aspects ) is a cardinal subject in Macbeth and Lady Macbeth is the primary perpetrator. She. every bit good as Macbeth show delusory traits. feigning to be good whilst be aftering flagitious offenses ; ‘Look like the guiltless flower. but be the serpent under’t’ : She is stating Macbeth to look guiltless. but under his bogus visual aspect he is traveling to slay King Duncan. This false visual aspect of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth is shown during the dinner banquet when Macbeth is shocked to gain that Fleance had escaped and is still alive. Though this false feeling exposed by Lady Macbeth had kept her artlessness. her attempt of burying her guilt is what had driven her mad and finally taking to her decease ; the cost of misrepresentation. Macbeth is most responsible for the evil done in the drama owing to the fact that his violent death of Duncan provokes the other slayings and immorality in the drama. Although Lady Macbeth is a portion of the slayings that occur in Macbeth. she is non responsible for the evil done in the drama. Lady Macbeth is a really craft. manipulative character. When she hears about the witches’ prognostication of Macbeth going the future male monarch of Scotland. she instantly demands Macbeth to slay Duncan so Macbeth could go male monarch. Lady Macbeth successfully persuades him to kill Duncan by oppugning his maleness. Lady Macbeth puts the thought in Macbeth’s head that he will be a coward if he does non perpetrate the slaying. After carrying him. Macbeth eventually commits the slaying. Therefore turn outing that Macbeth was to weak and delicate to state no. All characters played a convincing and augmenting function which could reline the focal point upon them as to who truly is to fault. Macbeth was aspiration and power greedy driving him to do dyer calamities with his married woman by his side. The Witches caused nil but problem for Macbeth. his belief in them was so high it led to him going insecure. These are all the grounds and things that caused the tragic events in the narrative of Macbeth.