Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Breast Feeding and Childhood Obesity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Breast Feeding and Childhood Obesity - Essay Example It has been estimated that 80% overweight adolescents continue to be obese in adulthood (Noller and Paulk, 2005). Added to these problems, childhood obesity imposes huge health care costs on the nation (The Role of Media in Childhood Obesity, 2004). Childhood obesity and overweight also increase the risk of cardiovascular disease in adulthood (Eisenmann, Bartee and Wang2002). Obesity usually begins at 5-6 years of age and then during adolescence. There are reports that obesity between 10- 13 years of age is likely to advance to adult obesity (AACAP, 2008). Thus, measures to prevent childhood obesity become very essential to decrease mortality and morbidity in adulthood. One such measure is breast feeding. Research has shown that breast feeding has several benefits both to the mother and baby. One such benefit is protective effect of childhood obesity. In this study, the protective effect of breast feeding during infancy on the development of obesity in childhood will be evaluated and ascertained. The observations made by the researcher during clinical practice and field visit placements have inspired him to conduct this research. Childhood obesity is a challenge to the society and the physicians. It leads to adult obesity and is associated with mortality and morbidity. This aspect inspired the author to conduct research. As Burns and Grove (1997) stated, clinical experience frequently gives rise to the identification of a research topic and expands scope for reflection. Reflective practice is essential to clinical practice and provides a retrospective look at current practice and questions the reason for doing so. Thus, it is because of reflection that the author was able to raise questions which prompted to this research study. Literature review Several studies have been conducted in the past to ascertain the impact of breast feeding in early years of life on the development of obesity later in life. According to a study conducted by von Kries, Koletzo, Sauerwald et al (1999), there exists a clear dose-response relationship between the duration of breast feeding on the prevalence of childhood obesity and overweight. According to the study, breast feeding has a protective effect on the development of obesity and overweight. In their study, the prevalence was "3.8% for 2 months of exclusive breast feeding, 2.3% for 3-5 months, 1.7% for 6-12 months, and 0.8% for more than 12 months" for obesity and overweight. The authors concluded that prolonged breast feeding is a useful preventive measure for the development of childhood obesity and overweight and that such a measure will decrease the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases and other morbidity and mortality associated with obesity. According to a systematic review conducted b y Arenz, Ruckerl, Koletzko et al (2004), breast feeding h

Monday, October 28, 2019

Homelessness Essay Example for Free

Homelessness Essay Homelessness is defined as the situation where one has no decent place to stay mostly because they cannot afford it. Homeless families are those who lack permanent places to live in and instead have to live in shelters, motels, cars, campgrounds or with family members or friends. The extent of homelessness varies with varying factors in the US for instance the geographical location, gender and age. (Levinson D, 2004). Homelessness in the USA is a social or rather a national problem that has been increasing over the years. Giving the exact or accurate figures of homeless people in the US is a difficult task as it tends to be a temporary problem. Again, the approach used to count the homeless people is using the service providers who deal with them paving way for miscounting as not all homeless people would use such facilities. According to a research by the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty in 2007 there were approximately 3. 5million people in America out of which 1. 35 were children. The population affected by poverty is diverse in the sense that it incorporates single adults, adults with children as well as the homeless youth. (National Coalition for the Homeless, 2008). This paper will focus on the nature, scope and population affected by homelessness in the US; it will also highlight the possible solutions to the problem. As David in ‘Encyclopedia of homelessness’ noted one way of estimating the extent of family homelessness in the US was to establish the number of homeless people who were from homeless families. It was established that over 41% of the homeless people came from homeless families. (Levinson D, 2004). The National Coalition for the Homeless estimated that in 2003 the number of children below 18 years was 39% of the total homeless population 42% of which were children below five years of age. In terms of gender, the proportion of the males versus females varied when varying factors were put into account. For the single adults without children males were more than females at 65% but for those with children the proportion was lower at 35%. The number of homeless people with children has been increasing over the years in both the rural as well as the urban areas. (National Coalition for the Homeless, 2008). The history of homelessness in the US dates back to the period before the American Revolution and is therefore not a recent phenomenon. This was triggered by the need to seek better employment opportunities in places far from homes. The issue however came to the public domain in the 1980’s and the federal, state as well as local governments channeled finances to resolve the problem. (Rossi P, 1991). These efforts included the establishment of shelters and housing programs but the problem persisted precipitating the adoption of another model to address the issue. It became apparent that the homeless needed the provision of supportive programs and the housed ‘homeless’ would be treated as tenants in their permanent housing. (Levinson D, 2004). As various scholars have established the major cause for homelessness in the US is poverty which makes houses unaffordable to many who can barely afford the necessities of life let alone the expensive houses. (Ploeg J and Scholte E, 1997). Such people cannot afford food, health care, education and child care. Despite the fact that over the years the economy has been growing and it is expected that people’s standards would improve this has not been attained in a uniform manner. Low income earners have faced the music as their pays have remained relatively low and this situation is made worse by the fact that their jobs offer minimal or no benefits. (Burt R, 1999). Their wages have either remained stagnant or have been falling all attributed to the fact that the bargaining power of the labor unions has reduced and the value of the minimum wages eroded. Temporary or part time jobs, increased globalization and a reduction of jobs in the manufacturing sector also contribute to reduced wages. Reduced wages make housing unaffordable to many as housing costs more than the minimum wage. Proof that the reduced wages play a significant role in perpetuating homelessness in the US can be seen in the high numbers of fulltime employed worker living in shelters. (Levinson D, 2004). A reduction in federal assistance to the poor has also led to aggravated poverty rates which lead to homelessness. Programs that initially assisted the poor for instance the Food Stamps and Temporary Assistance to Needy Families have been reduced and the poor have to feel the full weight of all the costs they need to meet. (Levinson D, 2004). Lack of housing assistance programs also makes the problem of homelessness intense. Low cost housing units introduced were ineffective in realizing the intended goal of assisting the needy. Some were converted to expensive apartments and the poor were left unassisted. A stronger economy sees the prices of housing rise making them unaffordable to many poor people. Levinson D, 2004). There were also minimal house assisted units against a massive number of poor people and many had to stay on long waiting lists. As people wait to be placed on the low cost housing units they had to look for places to live in. Other factors that trigger homelessness include the lack of affordable health care which sees people with an added cost to meet. Domestic violence also leads to homelessness especially when battered unemployed women run away from their battering and bread winner husbands. Mental illness also plays a role in influencing homelessness in the US. Statistics have it that over 15% of the total homeless population suffers from some form of mental illness. Some suffer from chronic or persistent mental illnesses or disorders. (National Coalition for the Homeless, 2008). Natural calamities are also to blame for homelessness in America. A good illustration is the hurricane Katrina and Rita which saw the destruction of over 300000 homes. (Mathison S and Ross E, 2008). Since the problem of homelessness is caused by many factors, no single solution would suffice to whip it out. It is important to adopt both proactive as well as reactive approaches. Proactive measures would be geared to preventing homelessness while the reactive measures would be resolving the problem after its occurrence. It would be vital to ensure that the minimum wage is uplifted so that even the low income earners have a higher amount of money at their disposal. The government ought to renew its commitment in providing low cost housing units. Educational programs among the homeless would place them at a better position in seeking for employment opportunities in the very competitive job market. This way the vicious circle of homelessness would be reduced. The government can also adopt measures that would ensure increased job opportunities as unemployment triggers homelessness. The adoption of community based programs for instance transitional housing as well as emergency shelter only offers temporary solutions and permanent solutions are vital. Since the homeless face many problems ranging from insecurity, inadequate health food supplies and medical care facilities their provision would be effective. (Wiecha L, Dwyer T and Dunn-Strohecker, M, 1991). The government at the various levels must see to it that the homeless gain accessibility to quality health as well as enough and nutritional food. The young children especially those below five years of age must be treated with the specialty they deserve. (Backner I and Bassouk E, 1997). Appropriate strategies must also be enforced to allow those suffering from mental illnesses that can be effectively treated from home gain access to housing as they form a sizable number of the homeless population. Programs to reduce alcohol and drug abuse would also be appropriate in the eradication of homelessness in the US. (Whitt C. 1994).

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Future of the grocery store :: essays research papers

Where will the grocery industry be in the near future? Chester Sideman and his wife Carmen married 25 years ago. After they married they decided that they did not want to be typical working Americans who worked from 9-5 and retired at age 55. They had always envisioned running their own company and running it in the form that they saw fit. After thinking long and hard they decided to build a company from the era that they were from. Being that they were from the â€Å"hippie† era, they fell in love with the idea of running a grocery store that provided a healthy alternative to the grocery shopping experience. A few years after opening, Chester and Carmen began to notice a trend. They were seeing that their health food store was beginning to gain popularity with the locals here in San Francisco, since so many were from the same era. Seeing this, the couple decided that they needed to expand and take full advantage of their popularity.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First they decided to expand into a neighboring store that had gone out of business. With this added space, they were able to triple their size and bring in an enormous variety of products that tied into the theme of the store. With this added size, they also found that they needed help in the day-to-day operations of running the store. Due to this fact they hired Craig Premer. Craig was a grocery industry professional that had worked for years in the business. He was also able to see the great potential that this store had.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After five years of Craig taking control of running the store, he had implemented all the ideas that he had to help build the grocery store. At this point, the store was doing great. Profit was double what it had been before Craig got there, but beginning to level off. Craig noticed this and had a talk with Chester and Carmen. Craig: Chester, we need to reevaluate what it is that you want out of this store at this point. I understand that this store has been doing very well the past few years, but with the increase in competition from stores like Whole Foods and Rainbow Grocery, I feel that changes need to be made. Chester: I know that our profits have been doing well and have started to level off, but do you think big changes need to be made?

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Adhd and Sleep Patterns

ADHD and Sleep Patterns The purpose of this research is to explore the sleep patterns of children with ADHD symptoms that have been reported by parents. The hypothesis according to O’Brien et al. (2003, p. 334) is that â€Å"domains of neurobehavioral function would be selectively affected by sleep-disordered breathing (SDB). † The null hypothesis according to this research is that multiple sleep disorders are more relevant in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD, symptoms. Some of the disorders are: obstructive sleep apnea, snoring, spontaneous arousals, rapid eye movement, and periodic limb movements. Data Collection The data used for this research was collected by O’Brien et al. (2003) using various methods. Questionnaires were distributed to the parents who were enrolling children into first grade. Out of the 11,983 surveys distributed, a total of 5,728 usable responses were available to sample, a total of 47. 6%. From these samples, the researchers found that 11. % of the children were reported snore often, and 7. 3% of those children who snored were reported by parents to have attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms. O’Brien et al. (2003) selected 83 children whose parents had reported them to show symptoms of ADHD to receive a sleep evaluation in a medical center, along with a control sample of 34 children with no reported signs of ADHD. After conducting the sleep tests, O’Brien et al. (2003) reported that 5% of â⠂¬Å"children with significant ADHD symptoms, and 7% of children with mild symptoms† (p. 57) had high periodic limb movements. It was also found that rapid eye movement was more prevalent in the high-symptom ADHD group. According to the study, â€Å"5% of children with significant ADHD symptoms, and 26% of those with mild symptoms† had indications of sleep apnea (O’Brien, 2003, p. 554). Conclusion According to research, children with many ADHD symptoms are no more at risk for rapid eye movement during sleep than children with no ADHD symptoms. Research also confirms that children with ADHD symptoms have a higher risk for other sleep disorders. This research cannot confirm that children with ADHD have higher rates of periodic limb movement. O’Brien et al. states â€Å"an unusually high prevalence of OSA was found† in children with ADHD (p. 561). O’Brien et al. (2003) rejected the null hypothesis of children with ADHD having a higher risk of all possible sleep disorders. Research has validated that children with ADHD have a higher risk of some sleep disorders but not all. More studies need to be done on children who have been medically diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder to evaluate any sleep disorders better. Reference O'Brien, L. , Holbrook, C. , Klaus, C. , Bruner, J. , Wang, M. , Tuell, A. , et al. (2003). Sleep and Neurobehavioral Characteristics of 5- to 7-Year-Old Children With Parentally Reported Symptoms of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Pediatrics, 111(3), 554. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Renaissance Art

World History 2 Renaissance Art â€Å"The Renaissance is studded by the names of the artists and architects, with their creations recorded as great historical events† (Arthur, 2008). The Renaissance was an epoch of great art and literature, and was a period of time when people shifted away from the ideas and traditions of the Middle Ages. Many of the most prominent educators, artists and architects were from this period. Artworks dating from the 1 5th century to the 16th century, during the Renaissance era, express ideas of individualism, imitations of classical antiquity and the understanding of proportions and realism.Michelangelo David, the self-portrait of Raphael, and Leonardo dad Vine's Mona Lisa depicts the idea of individualism. Unlike the paintings during the Middle Ages that mostly contained religious themes that glorified God, the works of these artists focused on the potential of man, and each of them had their own unique style that showed their different talents a nd capabilities. â€Å"Art in the Renaissance brought out the individual† (Scotsman, 2008). Michelangelo sculpture, David (1501-1504) shows he idea of an ideal Renaissance male.The sculpture is shaped into a physically perfect man who stands in a confident manner. This symbolizes that man's capacity for personal development is unlimited; knowledge and a broad range of abilities are within every man's reach (How To Be, 2008). A self-portrait of Raphael (1504-1506) also shows how individualism was valued during the Renaissance. Repeal's self- portrait of himself portrays the idea of â€Å"self-glorification† (Scotsman, 2008). Leonardo used many of his own novel techniques and ideas to paint Mona Lisa.The way the object's eyes were painted, the way the subject's mouth curved into a subtle smile, and the landscape behind the subject that appears to be a fictional place gave the painting it's uniqueness (The Mona Lisa, 2009). Many of the artists during the Renaissance focus ed on individuality and on painting in their own unique styles to portray the potential of human beings. Imitation of classical antiquity can be seen in renowned artworks such as Leonardo dad Vine's Vitamins Man (1490), and Repeal's The School of Athens (1509-1510). Both of artists studied the findings and observations of the Romans andGreeks, and used them as a reference to create their own works of art. The Vitamins Man was sketched by Leonardo dad Vinci in honor of the Roman architect Vitreous. Dad Vinci used Vitreous's ideas of perception and proportion to create the sketch (Vitamins Man, 2012). He read the ancient Roman texts and combined it with his actual observations of the human body. Repeal's The School of Athens is a painting that exhibited many well-educated Greek scholars and educators. Plato and Aristotle are painted right in the center of the painting with Socrates on top of the staircases The School of Athens, 2012).Many artists during the Renaissance looked back int o the works of their ancestors, combined the ideas of the past and present to create their own paintings and artwork. The proportions and realistic features that can be seen in Michelangelo The Creation of Adam (1 51 1), and Leonardo dad Vine's Vitamins Man (1490), is one of the factors that define Renaissance artwork. Both Michelangelo and Dad Vinci studied the human anatomy to produce more realistic artworks. In The Creation of Adam, God is resting on the outline of the human brain (Hall, 2013). All the figures in the painting had depth and perspective.Leonardo sketch of the Vitamins Man was carefully proportioned. The length of the outspread arms were equal to the figure's height and the length of hand is one-tenth of the height. The sketch also shows the symmetry of the human body. The artists during the Renaissance focused greatly on realism, painting all their artworks with great detail of every part of the human body. The Renaissance was a period of time when artworks shifted away from only focusing on religion to representing individualism, classical antiquity, and respective and realism.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

A summary of Othello by William Shakespeare.

A summary of Othello by William Shakespeare. Act1The setting of this play takes place in Venice. In beginning of the play Iago, a soldier under Othello's command, is arguing with Roderigo, a wealthy Venetian. Roderigo paid Iago a large sum of money to spy on Othello for him. Roderigo wants to take Othello's girlfriend/wife, Desdemona, as his own. Roderigo thinks that Iago has not been telling him enough about Desdemona and that Iago's loyalty is to Othello not him. Iago explains to Roderigo that he hates Othello because Othello promoted Cassio as his officer or lieutenant and not himself as he had expected. Iago and Roderigo decide to cause problems for Othello by informing Brabantio, Desdemona's father, about her relationship with Othello, who is a Moor (an African). This enrages Brabantio, and he sends parties out that night to apprehend Othello. He believes that Othello must have used magic or tricked his daughter into marriage because she would not have gone on her own free will.Othello and Desdemona in Venice, 1850, oil on wood...When Brabantio and his men find Othello, Othello has been summoned by the Duke of Venice to discuss the problems with Cyprus. Brabantio wants justice for what he believes Othello has done to his innocent daughter and agrees to bring this matter in front of the Duke. The Duke is meeting with several senators discussing the problem with their enemy, the Turks. Brabantio complains to the Duke that Othello has bewitched his daughter and has had intimate relations with her. The Duke allows Othello time to explain his relationship with Desdemona. Othello tells everyone how he wooed Desdemona with his stories of his life. Brabantio does not believe the story, so the Duke sends for Desdemona to tell everything. She confirms everything that Othello had said. The Duke advises Brabantio to accept the marriage and then...

Monday, October 21, 2019

USS Lexington (CV-16) - World War II Aircraft Carrier

USS Lexington (CV-16) - World War II Aircraft Carrier USS Lexington (CV-16) - Overview: Nation: United States Type: Aircraft Carrier Shipyard: Fore River Shipyard - Bethlehem Steel Laid Down: July 15, 1941 Launched: September 23, 1942 Commissioned: February 17, 1943 Fate: Museum Ship, Corpus Christi, TX USS Lexington (CV-16) - Specifications Displacement: 27,100 tons Length: 872 ft. Beam: 93 ft. Draft: 28 ft., 5 in. Propulsion: 8 Ãâ€" boilers, 4 Ãâ€" Westinghouse geared steam turbines, 4 Ãâ€" shafts Speed: 33 knots Complement: 2,600 men Armament 4 Ãâ€" twin 5 inch 38 caliber guns4 Ãâ€" single 5 inch 38 caliber guns8 Ãâ€" quadruple 40 mm 56 caliber guns46 Ãâ€" single 20 mm 78 caliber guns Aircraft 110 aircraft USS Lexington (CV-16) - Design Construction: Conceived in the 1920s and early 1930s, the US Navys Lexington- and Yorktown-class aircraft carriers were designed to conform to the limitations set forth by the Washington Naval Treaty. This agreement placed restrictions on the tonnage of different types of warships as well as capped each signatorys overall tonnage. These types of restrictions were affirmed through the 1930 London Naval Treaty. As global tensions increased, Japan and Italy departed the treaty structure in 1936. With the collapse of the this system, the US Navy began designing a new, larger class of aircraft carrier and one which drew from the lessons learned from the Yorktown-class. The resulting design was wider and longer as well as included a deck-edge elevator. This had been employed earlier on USS Wasp (CV-7). In addition to carrying a larger air group, the new design possessed a greatly enhanced anti-aircraft armament. Designated the Essex-class, the lead ship, USS Essex (CV-9), was laid down in April 1941. This was followed by USS Cabot (CV-16) which was laid down on July 15, 1941 at Bethlehem Steels Fore River Ship in Quincy, MA. Over the next year, the carriers hull took shape as the US entered World War II following the attack on Pearl Harbor. On June 16, 1942, Cabots name was changed to Lexington to honor the carrier of the same name (CV-2) which had been lost the previous month at the Battle of the Coral Sea. Launched on September 23, 1942, Lexington slid into the water with Helen Roosevelt Robinson serving as sponsor. Needed for combat operations, workers pushed to complete the ship and it entered commission on February 17, 1943, with Captain Felix Stump in command. USS Lexington (CV-16) - Arriving in the Pacific: Steaming south, Lexington conducted a shakedown and training cruise in the Caribbean. During this period, it suffered a notable casualty when the F4F Wildcat flown by 1939 Heisman Trophy winner Nile Kinnick crashed off the coast of Venezuela on June 2. After returning to Boston for maintenance, Lexington departed for the Pacific. Passing through the Panama Canal, it arrived at Pearl Harbor on August 9. Moving to the war zone, the carrier conducted raids against Tarawa and Wake Island in September. Returning to the Gilberts in November, Lexingtons aircraft supported the landings on Tarawa between November 19 and 24 as well as mounted raids against Japanese bases in the Marshall Islands. Continuing to operate against the Marshalls, the carriers planes struck Kwajalein on December 4 where they sank a cargo ship and damaged two cruisers. At 11:22 PM that night, Lexington came under attack by Japanese torpedo bombers. Though taking evasive maneuvers, the carrier sustained a torpedo hit on the starboard side which disabled the ships steering. Working quickly, damage control parties contained the resulting fires and devised a temporary steering system. Withdrawing, Lexington made for Pearl Harbor before proceeding on to Bremerton, WA for repairs. It reached Puget Sound Navy Yard on December 22. In the first of several instances, the Japanese believed the carrier to have been sunk. Its frequent reappearance in combat coupled with its blue camouflage scheme earned Lexington the nickname The Blue Ghost. USS Lexington (CV-16) - Return to Combat: Fully repaired on February 20, 1944, Lexington joined Vice Admiral Marc Mitschers Fast Carrier Task Force (TF58) at Majuro in early March. Taken by Mitscher as his flagship, the carrier raided Mili Atoll before moving south to support General Douglas MacArthurs campaign in northern New Guinea. Following a raid on Truk on April 28, the Japanese again believed the carrier to have been sunk. Moving north to the Marianas, Mitschers carriers next began reducing Japanese air power in the islands prior to the landings on Saipan in June. On June 19-20, Lexington took part in the victory at the Battle of the Philippine Sea which saw American pilots win the Great Marianas Turkey Shoot in the sky while sinking a Japanese carrier and damaging several other warships. USS Lexington (CV-16) - Battle of Leyte Gulf: Later in the summer, Lexington supported the invasion of Guam before raiding the Palaus and Bonins. After striking targets in the Caroline Islands in September, the carrier commenced attacks against the Philippines in preparation for the Allied return to the archipelago. In October, Mitschers task force moved to cover MacArthurs landings on Leyte. With the beginning of the Battle of Leyte Gulf, Lexingtons aircraft aided in sinking the battleship Musashi on October 24. The next day, its pilots contributed to the destruction of the light carrier Chitose and received sole credit for sinking the fleet carrier Zuikaku. Raids later in the day saw Lexingtons planes aid in eliminating the light carrier Zuiho and the cruiser Nachi. On the afternoon of October 25, Lexington sustained a hit from a kamikaze which struck near the island. Though this structure was badly damaged, it did not severely hamper combat operations. In the course of the engagement, the carriers gunners downed another kamikaze that had targeted USS Ticonderoga (CV-14). Repaired at Ulithi after the battle, Lexington spent December and January 1945 raiding Luzon and Formosa before entering the South China Sea to strike at Indochina and Hong Kong. Hitting Formosa again in late January, Mitscher then attacked Okinawa. After replenishing at Ulithi, Lexington and its consorts moved north and commenced attacks on Japan in February. Late in the month, the carriers aircraft supported the invasion of Iwo Jima before the ship departed for an overhaul at Puget Sound. USS Lexington (CV-16) - Final Campaigns: Rejoining the fleet on May 22, Lexington formed part of Rear Admiral Thomas L. Spragues task force off Leyte. Steaming north, Sprague mounted attacks against airfields on Honshu and Hokkaido, industrial targets around Tokyo, as well as the remnants of the Japanese fleet at Kure and Yokosuka. These efforts continued until mid-August when Lexingtons final raid received orders to jettison its bombs due to the Japanese surrender. With the end of the conflict, the carriers aircraft commenced patrols over Japan before taking part in Operation Magic Carpet to return American servicemen home. With the reduction in fleet strength after the war, Lexington was decommissioned on April 23, 1947 and placed in the National Defense Reserve Fleet at Puget Sound. USS Lexington (CV-16) - Cold War Training: Redesignated as an attack carrier (CVA-16) on October 1, 1952, Lexington moved to the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard the following September. There it received both SCB-27C and SCB-125 modernizations. These saw modifications to Lexingtons island, the creation of a hurricane bow, installation of an angled flight deck, as well as a strengthening of the flight deck to handle newer jet aircraft. Recommissioned on August 15, 1955 with Captain A.S. Heyward, Jr. in command, Lexington began operations out of San Diego. The following year it commenced a deployment with the US 7th Fleet in the Far East with Yokosuka as its home port. Arriving back in San Diego in October 1957, Lexington moved through a brief overhaul at Puget Sound. In July 1958, it returned to Far East to reinforce the 7th Fleet during the Second Taiwan Strait Crisis. After further service off the coast of Asia, Lexington received orders in January 1962 to relieve USS Antietam (CV-36) as a training carrier in the Gulf of Mexico. On October 1, the carrier was redesignated as an anti-submarine warfare carrier (CVS-16) though this, and its relief of Antietam, was delayed until later in the month due to the Cuban Missile Crisis. Taking over the training role on December 29, Lexington began routine operations out of Pensacola, FL. Steaming in the Gulf of Mexico, the carrier trained new naval aviators in the art of taking off and landing at sea. Formally designated as a training carrier January 1, 1969, it spent the next twenty-two years in this role. The final Essex-class carrier still in use, Lexington was decommissioned on November 8, 1991. The following year, the carrier was donated for use as a museum ship and is currently open to the public in Corpus Christi, TX. Selected Sources DANFS: USS Lexington (CV-16)USS Lexington Museum

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Wildfire Red Flag Warning Extreme Burning Conditions

Wildfire Red Flag Warning Extreme Burning Conditions The United States National Weather Service is one major forecaster that determines a Red Flag Warning when weather conditions reach high potential for extreme wildfire starts leading to uncontrolled forest fires. It is a term used by fire-weather forecasters to call attention to critical weather conditions of particular importance that will potentially result in extreme burning conditions. It is must have continuously updated data for field foresters, wildland fire crews and equipment operators during periods of high fire hazard. A Red Flag Warning or RFW can be issued either by the state or the federal government to assist regional firefighting and land management agencies in making decisions on limiting the use of fire for a particular period of days or fighting fire when conditions suggest increased chances. Conditions that increase the chance of wildland fire starts and fire spread are monitored and a RFW is issued when a high degree of confidence that Red Flag conditions will occur within 24 hours of issuance. So, a RFW is usually issued from predictions based on drought conditions and when the relative humidity is very low. High winds and dry lightning strikes can become exacerbating factors and are included in some state and federal agencies that calculate their own warning data. These agencies will alter their staffing and equipment resources according to the data. To the public, a Red Flag Warning means high fire danger with increased probability of a quickly spreading vegetation fire in the area within 24 hours. Extreme care should be taken and the uses of outside fire suspended. Red Flag criteria also occur  whenever a region (usually a state) has been in a dry spell for a week or two, or for a shorter period under duress. It usually happens either before spring green-up or after fall color in the East or during the hot, windy summer in the West. The National Fire Danger Rating System (NFDRS) is usually high to extreme and the following forecast weather parameters are forecasted to be met: Sustained wind averages of 15 mph or greater.Relative humidity less than or equal to 25 percent.A temperature of greater than 75 degrees F.In some states, dry lightning and unstable air are criteria. A Fire Weather Watch may be issued prior to the Red Flag Warning. Here is an example of a RFW issued by the Colorado Forest Service during a Colorado fire crisis. Note that the alert is often shouted in all caps in the daily report. The first section of the report deals with a general weather summary by zone and the expected effective time period of concern. The second section numbers and defines the actual fire weather zones affected and address dangerous firefighting conditions to watch for. It also includes instructions on distribution of the alert to fire control personnel. .................... Event: Red Flag WarningAlert: ...RED FLAG WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 11 AM TO MIDNIGHT MDT TONIGHTFOR DRY THUNDERSTORMS AND GUSTY OUTFLOW WINDS FOR FIRE WEATHERZONES 201...203...207...290...291...292 AND 293... .ANOTHER ROUND OF ISOLATED TO SCATTERED THUNDERSTORMS IS EXPECTEDTODAY AS HOT TEMPERATURES CONTINUE. WHILE THE CONVECTIVE POTENTIALREMAINS...MOISTURE WILL BEGIN TO GRADUALLY DECREASE AS HIGHPRESSURE STARTS TO NUDGE INTO NEW MEXICO. THIS WILL RESULT IN THEMAJORITY OF STORMS PRODUCING MINIMAL RAINFALL AMOUNTS AT THESURFACE TODAY. ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 AM THIS MORNING TOMIDNIGHT MDT TONIGHT FOR DRY THUNDERSTORMS AND GUSTY OUTFLOWWINDS FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 201...203...207...290...291...292 AND 293... * AFFECTED AREA...IN COLORADO...FIRE WEATHER ZONE 201 ROUTT FORECAST AREA...FIRE WEATHER ZONE 203 GRAND JUNCTION FORECAST AREA...FIRE WEATHER ZONE 207 DURANGO FORECAST AREA...FIRE WEATHER ZONE 290 PARADOX VALLEY FORECAST AREA...FIRE WEATHER ZONE 291 NORTHERN SAN JUAN FORECAST AREA...FIRE WEATHER ZONE 292 NORTH FORK FORECAST AREA...ANDFIRE WEATHER ZONE 293 GUNNISON BASIN FORECAST AREA. * THUNDERSTORMS...ISOLATED TO SCATTERED THUNDERSTORMS WILLDEVELOP FIRST OVER THE MOUNTAINS AND THEN MOVE TO THE EAST ANDNORTHEAST. THE MAJORITY OF STORMS WILL BE DRY...THOUGH SOMEWILL PRODUCE MARGINAL WETTING RAINFALL. * OUTFLOW WINDS...ALL THUNDERSTORMS WILL BE CAPABLE OF PRODUCINGERRATIC OUTFLOW WIND GUSTS UP TO 40 MPH. * IMPACTS...ANY FIRE IGNITION WILL BECOME DIFFICULT TO CONTROLWITH VERY HIGH RATES OF SPREAD POSSIBLE. Instructions: A RED FLAG WARNING MEANS THAT CRITICAL FIRE WEATHER CONDITIONS ARE EITHER OCCURRING NOW...OR WILL SHORTLY. A COMBINATION OF STRONG WINDS...LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY...AND WARMTEMPERATURES WILL CREATE EXPLOSIVE FIRE GROWTH POTENTIAL. PLEASE ADVISE THE APPROPRIATE OFFICIALS AND AFFECTED FIELD PERSONNEL OF THIS RED FLAG WARNING. ....................

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Passions of Andrew jackson by Andrew Burstin Essay

The Passions of Andrew jackson by Andrew Burstin - Essay Example There are two popular models that are used to describe early childhood behavior. They are â€Å"nature,† which assumes a genetic predisposition to a behavior, and â€Å"nurture,† which predicts that the child’s environment predominantly dictates behavior. The authors of this study take both factors into account by creating three study groups. These groups consisted of a control group, where paternal alcohol abuse was non-existent; a recovered group, where paternal alcohol abuse was in remission; and the target group in which the father abused or was dependent upon alcohol consumption. In an attempt to account for environmental factors, the authors located a family for the target group, and then found demographically similar families that fit the criteria for the control and the recovered groups. This ensured that all of the participants were comparable in ethnicity, neighborhood, income, etc. In all, their samples amounted to a total of 267 families. Each of the three groups was similar in sample size and composition. Using computer-based interviews, the authors interviewed each family once a year for three years. Both parents and children were asked to answer several questions relating to alcohol use and specific behaviors that were of importance to the development of the hypothesis. For example, the fathers were asked questions relevant to their level of alcohol dependence during the prior three months. They were questioned on their awareness of their children’s activities. The adolescents were asked to self-report criteria based upon a combination of items from the Child Behavior Checklist and the Youth Self Report. The results of this study did not support the hypothesis that fluctuations in paternal alcohol use correlates with a higher incidence of adolescent behavior problems. The authors list several reasons to explain the outcome of this study. One of the most obvious is the frequency of the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Environmental Management and Quality System Essay

Environmental Management and Quality System - Essay Example In addition, it is a formal approach to managing the aspects of an organization’s activities, products, and services that have or could have an impact on the environment (Sheldon & Yoxon, 2002). According to Muchemu (2008), a quality management system is the organization’s structures, processes, procedures, and resources needed to implement quality management. The international and national standards are used to form the foundation for effective quality management systems (Schlickman, 2003). Hallmark is the largest greeting card company in the world owned by a family since it was started more than a century ago. It has an ISO9001 and ISO14001 certified system and other certified systems like BRC, SMETA/SEDEX Ethical, and FSC. In addition, it has other non-certified systems like ISO18001, PEFC, and ISO26000. Having this certified systems means that it is dedicated to management review, legal compliance, continual improvement, internal communications, traceability, concer ns/ incidents and training. This organization has environmental objectives that build to a strategic plan for each area of operations business. It also has personal objectives via appraisal process and independent verification of achievements. The Hallmark’s approach to implementation of environmental management system is by identifying key performance indicators, improvising a mean of measuring those performance indicators and designing a way of improving those performance indicators. One of the key performance indicators that the company has chosen in its approach to implementing environmental management system is to reduce water consumption by a further 5% by the end of this year, based on a 2009 baseline. The company measures this performance indicator using the monthly water usage figures provided for each site by the Yorkshire water company. In the company implementation approach, it aims to improve this key performance indicator by increasing awareness about water cons umption and the costs it brings to the company among all its employees. Moreover, the company is introducing an initiative on reducing water usage. This will be working with cross-functional teams to ensure a reduction for resources that the company uses in its processes. Another key performance indicator that Hallmark decided to use in its approach to implementing an environmental management system is ensuring a reduction in its carbon footprint by a further 2% by the end of this year compared to a 2008 baseline. In this approach, the company uses the annual reporting on energy consumption, LPG consumption and diesel consumption to measure this key performance indicator. To achieve various improvements on this performance indicator Hallmark has designed an energy management team that consists of cross-functional members. This team has been holding several meetings to discuss possible energy reduction initiatives that require being introduced. Moreover, the company has also designed staffs awareness program to educate its staffs on maximum energy utilization and effective energy saving techniques. To continue working towards recycling 95% of all solid wastes by the end of this year is another key perform

The concerns will be with regard to population in the Research Paper

The concerns will be with regard to population in the - Research Paper Example According to the pilot issue of Horizon: Future Issues for Development, in an article entitled â€Å"Population Growth, Environment and Food Security: What Does the Future Hold?,† human population growth is â€Å"the most significant cause† of many of the problems that the world faces like climate change, poverty and scarcity of food resources. By around 2050, the growth of the world’s population will be by 2.7 billion thus resulting in an estimated total of 9 billion people by that time (Collodi & McCormack, 2009). This significant increase in the human population will definitely outrun the supply of natural resources and will definitely force man to exploit the natural environment for the sake of survival. In the table below from the United Nations Population Fund, one can see that the projected population of the world by 2050 is either 7 billion still, or 10.5 billion as the upper limit, or ideally at 9 billion. One of the problems caused by overpopulation that will most likely affect the world on a global scale is environmental degradation. The overwhelming growth in population is expected to lead to unsustainable demands on the environment as well as natural resources. There is also a consequent production of hazardous waste and an intensified level of urbanization, both of which are expected to contribute to the degradation of the environment. There is also climate change due to the increase in the amount of greenhouse gas emissions by around 52% by 2050. Aside from this, water is expected to be scarce, and that 90% of freshwater supply will be gone even by 2030. Moreover, there is also an expected doubling of the demands for energy all over the world even 20 years from now. There is also a considerable loss of biodiversity, destruction of many ecosystems, and renewable environmental resources because of excessive draining of wetlands, clearing of forests and expansion of infrastructure (Collodi & McCormack, 2009). Another global problem

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Nonverbal Coommunication ( Anthony F. Grasha ) Essay

Nonverbal Coommunication ( Anthony F. Grasha ) - Essay Example The paper tells that people in the USA and China have different attitudes to their private space. People from the USA require others to respect their private space. They do not tend to be too touchy during conversations. Their private space is open to the closest people in their lives; they are represented by parents, relatives, best friends and beloved. If Americans want to show their friendliness, they tend to talk about it. Chinese people are very different from Americans in this way. First of all, people in China have a different definition of private space. Chinese families are very close to each other and they do not have the same need in private space. If they want to show their friendliness, they would rather resort to touching. It is especially common among young Chinese who belong to the same sex. Public and social distances in China are almost absent. Overcrowded public places only support this idea; strange people can accidentally touch each other or even push each other, violating their private, public and social spaces at once. People in China are collectivists; they pay almost no attention to private space because they almost never have it. In the western cultures, where people are individualists, private space is very important. If strangers stand too close to each other during their conversation in the USA, the conversation might fail. Chinese people have a different understanding of private space, and they can stand closer to their American friends than it is allowed. If a man from China is too touchy with his American male friend, American will never understand such a behavior.

The Media and its Impact on the Range of Understanding Identity in Essay

The Media and its Impact on the Range of Understanding Identity in Adolescents - Essay Example One should consider the gratuitous nature with which sex and sexual relations are discussed within the media. It is nearly impossible to turn on primetime television or read a magazine that does not seek to cheaply engage the reader with a type of frivolous and non-consequential understanding of human sexuality. A series of negative implications are glossed over to include the ever-increasing risk of STDs, pregnancy, emotional/psychological trauma, and the inability to form lasting and meaningful physical relationships due to a high premium being placed upon sex (Samson et al 283). Such common interpretations are no doubt one of the reasons that HPV is represented in one out of every 4 women between the ages of 14-30 within the United States. Likewise, it does not take a specialist to note that there is an ever-increasing incidence of violence in all forms of media. This cannot only be understood as a function of entertainment but also as a function of news programming which takes particular interest in some of the more gruesome elements of violence that exist within society. The representation of violence within the media in all its forms serves to relate an unrealistic view of the world model as it currently exists and no doubt has a profound effect on the way that adolescents view their surroundings. One study put forward that the average child will have viewed around 8,000 murders on television prior to finishing elementary school (Nelson 1). This fact in and of itself gives the reader pause when realizing the sheer size of the problem and demands a response to such an issue.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Nonverbal Coommunication ( Anthony F. Grasha ) Essay

Nonverbal Coommunication ( Anthony F. Grasha ) - Essay Example The paper tells that people in the USA and China have different attitudes to their private space. People from the USA require others to respect their private space. They do not tend to be too touchy during conversations. Their private space is open to the closest people in their lives; they are represented by parents, relatives, best friends and beloved. If Americans want to show their friendliness, they tend to talk about it. Chinese people are very different from Americans in this way. First of all, people in China have a different definition of private space. Chinese families are very close to each other and they do not have the same need in private space. If they want to show their friendliness, they would rather resort to touching. It is especially common among young Chinese who belong to the same sex. Public and social distances in China are almost absent. Overcrowded public places only support this idea; strange people can accidentally touch each other or even push each other, violating their private, public and social spaces at once. People in China are collectivists; they pay almost no attention to private space because they almost never have it. In the western cultures, where people are individualists, private space is very important. If strangers stand too close to each other during their conversation in the USA, the conversation might fail. Chinese people have a different understanding of private space, and they can stand closer to their American friends than it is allowed. If a man from China is too touchy with his American male friend, American will never understand such a behavior.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Sampling Questions Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sampling Questions - Research Paper Example Confidence interval with its reliability around the population measures the sampling error and ensures that it provides confidence of the samples by around 95% hence making the samples more reliable. It therefore tries to reduce the sampling error. The relationship between the two is based on inverse square root. This means that as the sample size increases the confidence intervals increases by squares. This relationship is so because an increase in sample size means a reduction in sampling error and a more reliable representation of the population that will be known and hence the reduction in the confidence interval. Probability sampling is a sampling technique where all the elements in the population have an equal chance of being included as samples. This method therefore reduces bias and it is fair. It is effective where large samples are required and time is not of the essence. The disadvantage is that it is a costly process, requires higher level of expertise and resources like time (Cozby, Paul and Bates, 146). Non-probability sampling is a technique where there is no guarantee of an equal chance of the elements in the population being included in the study. This is because the samples are chosen according to their convenience to the researcher and not randomly. The advantage of this technique is that it is time saving, very effective when the samples required are few and it is also more flexible. The lack of randomness introduces the disadvantages of bias, lack of reliability and also generalizability of the results. Response rates in surveys are sometimes lower than expected. In order to reduce this tendency it is important for the researcher to assure the respondents of the confidentiality of their responses, provide them with a bit of background information about the research hence making them informed, keep the

Monday, October 14, 2019

Eastern Religion Hinduism Essay Example for Free

Eastern Religion Hinduism Essay Hinduism:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Hinduism has no single prophet nor one god to worship; rather they have many metaphors for the gods. Hinduism has no beginning, founder, no central authority, and no organization. Hindus believe in one supreme being who has unlimited forms. Some of the central beliefs of the Hindus is the idea of reincarnation, in which, is the doctrine of transmigration and rebirth the idea is universal in India. The other two beliefs are the spiritual goal and the caste system. The holy texts are the Veda, the Upanishads and the Bhagavad-Grita The practices of the Hindus are the Puja in which is the prayer in the home or in the temple but it is mostly in home since the religion is very much concern with everything around life. The ceremonial practices usually take in community centers. There are three important events in ones life according to the Hindus, birth, marriage and death. Buddhism:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Buddhism was born in the Kingdom of Sakyas, which is now the border between India and Nepal. Scholars disagree on the age of birth in which it is between 563 – 368 B.C.E. Some of the beliefs of Hindus and Buddhism interact such as the idea of reincarnation both agree with the idea of rebirth but Buddhism rejects the caste system and the Veda. Buddha means the â€Å"enlightened one† and it was a title given to the Siddhartha Gautama the founder of Buddhism. Buddha is accepted like the existence of Jesus Christ that it is accepted through faith and the disciples. It is said that Jesus might have used some of the Buddha ideas into his. The central beliefs are the four truths and the eightfold path. The teachings are in the Dhammapada, in English know as â€Å"words of doctrine†, â€Å"way of truth† or â€Å"the path of truth† The practices of Buddhism is a part of life including diet, the job, trade or profession, daily meditation and giving offerings at a shrine, temples, or monasteries. Confucianism:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The belief was started in China around the sixth or fifth century B.C.E by Confucius; a major part of the belief is it emphasis on learning and the source of values. The religion has two sets of books; the major five classics including I Ching, Shu Chang, Shih Ching, LiChi, and Ch’un-Ch’iu.. This religion is more of an ethical movement because it lacks sacraments and liturgy. There are four types of Confucianism schools and marriage and funeral could be done though other religious ministers or priests. Taoism:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The foundation of Taoism is attributed to Lao Tzu and his writings called the â€Å"Classic Way of Power† Taoism is based on the individual and tended to reject the organized society. The key concept is that of non-action or the natural course of things. It is a direct link to yin and yang. It also obtained many things from the Buddhist perspectives. The central beliefs they don’t have prayers because it beliefs in the natural things and that there is no god. They are compassionate people and is more about a philosophical movement instead of a religion.   The purpose of the rituals is the concern of having immortality and the purpose was to live longer. It is believed that elements of Shamanism, which it is more related. Taoism is based on energy.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Who Was Benjamin Franklin Religion Essay

Who Was Benjamin Franklin Religion Essay Benjamin Franklins ideas on God and human nature were significantly different from the puritan norm at the time.   While Franklin saw God as a good and wise creator, the puritans feared Him as an almighty being.   The puritans saw human nature as the ultimate conduit for sin, while Franklin believed that humans as products of God were good at heart.   Franklin believed in a God discrete from both mans activity on earth and the puritan ideal of who He was, and in humans not as slaves to sin and redemption, but as masters of their own destiny. Puritanism was a very widely held belief system in the early colonies. A direct descendant of Calvinism, Puritanism had strong roots among a vast number of the colonists throughout early American settlements. As a sect of Christianity, they believed in the bible as the word of God, and Jesus as Gods son. It was common for puritans of the time to fear God and look at all misfortune that befell them as punishment for their sins. And as it struck my hand, so it struck my heart; for I suddenly rose up and went into a wood; and there I cried bitterly, and now concluded that God, God had found me out. (Dane, 4) The puritan God can almost be seen as a tyrannical leader; one who strikes fear into the hearts of His subjects, yet demands their love and respect. Franklins semi-present creator-God was distinctly different from that of the punishing overseer of the puritans. Franklin was one of few deists at the time. It is said that had he published his deism tract thirty years earlier, he would have risked imprisonment and execution in the British Empire. The norms of the time, the puritans, were an overwhelming majority. The puritan God was always there, always watching over his creations. As John Dane repeated from his mother, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Go where you will, God he will find you out. (Dane, 2) The puritans spent their lives with the ever present notion of Gods wrath hanging over their shoulders. Franklins God was not the same entity. He was the creator, and that to Franklin was as far as His relationship with man went. God did not inspire man to write the books of the bible, nor did he send His Son to die on a cross for mans sin. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦after doubting by turns of several pointsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ I began to doubt of Revelation itself . (Franklin, 5) Franklins God gave man life and free will, and then gave him the reigns to control his own destiny. The puritan conception of human nature was based on the idea of original sin. Original sin is a term used to describe the bibles story of Adam and Eve eating the fruit from the tree of good and evil under temptation of Satan. Puritans believed that because of this original sin, humans are all inherently corrupt and impure of mind; because man is born into sin, it is impossible for him to escape it. Your best duties are tainted, poisoned, and mingled with some sin, and therefore are most odious in the eyes of a holy God. (Wigglesworth, 4) In the eyes of the church, the only redeeming quality of human nature was that they themselves were made by God. They were obedient to God and His word because they were afraid of his punishment. The only hope the puritans had in life was that they might be chosen in Gods eyes as worthy of redemption. Franklin saw the nature of humans in a very different light. While he did look to God for wisdom and insight, he believed that man could be good without God. He came to this conclusion not with religion, but with intellect and logic. He created a list of thirteen virtues that he believed could bring a man to moral perfection. These too were not created with any particular religious sect in mind, but rather with the idea that all people could better themselves through them. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦that vicious actions are not hurtful because they are forbidden, but forbidden because they are hurtful, the nature of man alone consideredà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Franklin, 15) He believed that evil or morally wrong actions were wrong, not because God said so, but because they were hurtful to humanity. Human nature by itself was not corrupt, and it was possible for a man to be truly good. Franklins beliefs on human nature were different in many ways than that of the puritans. While the puritans saw man as essentially evil from conception, Franklin saw man as able to create his own destiny. While both parties believed in God as being important to the life of men, Franklin saw his importance as more of a guide, and less as a strict path like that of the puritans. The Puritans had only one way to achieve completion in life; to earn Gods redemption. Franklin believed that as man tried to be a better person, he was achieving his destiny in life. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦tho I never arrived at the perfection I had been so ambitious of obtainingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ I was, by the endeavor, a better and happier man than I otherwise should have been if I had not attempted ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Franklin, 14) The puritans did not believe this was the case, as good works to them meant nothing if God did not give favor. Your good duties cannot save you, yet your bad works will damn you. (Wiggleswort h, 4) The separate parties idea of human nature was directly affected by their respective ideas of God. The puritans believed in a God that was almighty and all encompassing. They thought of themselves as unworthy beasts without purpose, and only with the favor of God did they have any chance of happiness on this earth or after it. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦everyone sinned in Adam and everyone deserves eternal deathà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Wigglesworth, 4) Franklin saw a God that was less involved in the lives of men. He put much more emphasis on the worth of a persons works and endeavors, and less on whether or not this person had been chosen by God. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦there was in [my scheme] no mark of any of the distinguishing tenants of any particular sect. I had purposely avoided themà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ that it might be serviceable to people of all religionsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Franklin, 15) Both groups ideals were founded in belief, and were distinctly different because of the differences in the belief of each re spective God. As much as the puritan ideals were similar to that of the deist Benjamin Franklin, the differences of each faith is what defines them. Franklin believed in a God based in logic, while the puritans God was founded in faith and tradition. From this belief in separate Gods, separate belief in human nature arose; the puritans believing in Human nature as evil and Franklin believing in it as independent and just. Franklin found that the path to righteousness could be obtained through good works that bettered humanity; while the puritans believed that only strict adherence to the guidelines set forth by God could bring salvation. Each point of view has its own foundations and each gives historians a different yet equally relevant perspective on life in the early American colonies.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Career Integration Research Assignment: Athletic Training Essay

The field of athletic training is one of the fastest expanding careers today. This could be due to the much greater demand for health care providers. Athletic trainers specialize in preventing, diagnosing, and treating muscle and bone injuries. They work with a diverse group of patients, from young children to professional athletes. Athletic trainers are usually part of a sport medicine team, which tend to include a physician, physical therapist, and even a sport psychologist. Many athletic trainers work in educational facilities, such as high schools and colleges. However, much of their time is spent on the sport fields. The profession requires the trainers to apply their wide range of medical knowledge and, in order to do so, athletic trainers must have strong interpersonal and communication skills to converse with the athletes, coaches, physicians, and parents (Occupational outlook handbook, 2012). Athletic trainers are mainly responsible for injury recovery and prevention. However, these responsibilities are physical concerns, but what about the mental concerns? There is a movement within the athletic training field to approach sport injuries with a more holistic perspective. Many athletic trainers have had inadequate education in sport psychology to institute any sort of psychological methods in their rehabilitation programs. This paper will discuss some of the prospective ideas and various methods of rehabilitation tactics that could be used in the field, as well as how to properly train athletic trainers to administer both these mental and physical treatments. These mental treatments will be related back to sport and exercise psychology concepts; examples of this include strategies for setting realistic goals, methods fo... to increase rehabilitation adherence. Athletic Therapy Today, 13(3), 18-19. Naylor, A. (2009). The role of mental training in injury prevention. Athletic Therapy Today, 14(2), 27-29. Occupational outlook handbook. (2012, March 29). Retrieved from Podlog, L., & Eklund, R. (2009). High-level athletes' perceptions of success in returning to sport following injury. Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 10(5), 535-544. doi:10.1016/j.psychsport.2009.02.003 Stiller-Ostrowski, J., & Ostrowski, J. (2009). Recently certified athletic trainers' undergraduate educational preparation in psychosocial intervention and referral. Journal Of Athletic Training, 44(1), 67-75. Wiese, D., Weiss, M., & Yukelson, D. (1991). Sport psychology in the training room: A survey of athletic trainers. Sport Psychologist, 5(1), 15-24.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Psychological factors that affect performance in sports Essay

Competition in sports and the general performance of athletes in various competitive activities results in increased stress among the athletes. This increased stress makes the athlete to react mentally and physically in a way that negatively affects the performance capabilities of the athletes. The athletes may tense, increase their heart beats, sweat allover as they agonize about the possible results of their performance. Such athletes find it difficulty to focus on the mission ahead. This aspect has resulted in many coaches and trainers to take more interest in the subject of sports psychology, specifically in the aspect of competitive anxiety. The attention has centered on factors that affect performance in sports, physical activity and exercise and on skills athletes apply in competitive environment. Ones the factors effecting performance are established, the skills required for succeeded in competitive environment are also taught to the athletes. This paper seeks to research on Psychological/mental factors that affect performance in sports, physical activity and exercise. To carry out this objective, the paper will proceed by highlight the issue under discussion, reviewing previous literature on the subject in details, and discussing the finding, the lastly make the concluding remakes based on finding of the researcher paper. The issue Sports participation by athletes places a lot of physical as well psychological stress on these athletes. Rushall and Potgieter (1987) explain that a serious competitive situation is whereby the outcomes of performance of the athletes are most crucial and strongest. Factors which affect the athlete’s view of this situation have been explained by Rushall and Potgieter (1987) as ‘sports stress checklist’. According to Teed, (1987) differences in these factors results in performance inconsistencies, while at the same time they also imply patterns which influence exceptional performance. In tough and serious performance circumstances, it has been established that performance based strategies of specific elements have significant impact on performance reliability and consistency (Syer, and Connolly, 1984). There is always need for particular preparations to be done in various fields such as performing arts, and business, (Goetz). Though, previous studies have established that there is always need for such psychological preparations to be undertaken in the field of sports, it is still being overlooked in many sporting setting by trainers as well as sports psychologists. In addition, when plans or strategies are drawn mainly by the athletes themselves, Syer and Connolly (1984) notes that they result in the following advantages, reduced uncertainty and interpretive disruption as well as stress brought by negative circumstances, improved performance consistency of athletes, better coping ability for difficulties, and lastly reduced performance declines. The following section takes a detailed look on psychological factors that effect performance. Literature review: Factors affecting performance  Segmenting sports activity and other physical activities In case the event or activity to be performed is long, it is required that it should be broken down into shorter segments. The segments ought to be short enough so that the athlete is able to concentrate fully on what is required to be done and thought during that period. This helps the athlete to focus on achieving of successful competition aspects. Arranging competition is this way is termed as segmenting. Segmenting has originated from two main sources. One, the goal-setting past literature has indicated that far-off goals have got less effect on athlete performance compared to proximal goals (Syer and Connolly, 1984). A performance goal which are short-term and which, center on processes required for successful conduct improves performance. Two, people facing extensive assignments normally break the down to better manageable parts Stress Stress is major factor which affects athletes’ performance. Numerous studies have indicated that stress has directly effect athletes, though the extent of the effect is not various and it is hard to measure correctly. In a study to measure stress carried out by Jones and Hardy (1989), electronic gadgets were attached on athletes so as to directly measure the physiological arousal of the athlete using a process termed as telemetry. The gadget transmitted a radio signal into a receiver whereby physiological responses like the heartbeat can be assessed while the athlete is carrying out his/her normal activities and when he/she is involved in sporting action. The study revealed that athletes experience high degree of arousal when in sporting activities. However, the shortcoming with this method of measurement is that the results can not ascertain for sure which kind emotion is being felt by the athlete, it came be anxiety caused by stress, or it could be excitement caused by joy of participation in the sporting event. However, in another study by Jones and Hardy (1989) it revealed that sporting activities are not very much stressful for athletes particularly when compared to other physical activities in which the athletes are evaluated according to their performance. Nonetheless, it remains apparent that sporting situations are able to result in increased degree of stress for many athletes. Instead of the athletes finding competitive sporting activities challenging and enjoyable to take part in, a number of athletes certainly experience anxiety and threats in such a sporting situation. Jones and Hardy (1989) adds that anxiety together with fear resulting from stress are what many individuals would like to avoid, but this is exactly what effects a lot of athletes. Many athletes drop out off sporting activities because of these two aspects, as they find sporting activities to be threatening instead of being pleasant experience. A high number of individual also revealed that they would prefer to take part in sports and other physical activities by they fear that they will perform badly and if there is selection going on, they would even be selected to join the team. Thus, stress is a major factor which affects sports and can reduce the enjoyment of taking part in sporting activities Thought contents of athletes  Performance efficiency of an athlete is usually reduced due to distraction but it is improved by having relevant concentration. However, there are Holingen and Vikander, 1987) asserts that there are a number of exception to this opinion, for instance cognitive interference. But, Jones and Hardy (1989) say that, to perform well in tasks under stressful situation, the athlete has to focus his/her attention on the processes of completing the task successful in the best position. This specifically is true when it comes to sports. Cognitive concepts like attention focus and flow have a characteristic of a particular task orientation. However, this orientation differs in relation to the stage as well as the kind of activity being performed. Cappaert and Rushall (1994) explain that the objective of focusing on task-relevant information is to make sure that every resource is made available to the athlete in sporting activities. Athletes should be being able get focused and concentrate on the cues in a sporting activity so that they can effectively deal with the present task. These skills of focusing assist the athletes to maintain their individual mental intensity within a sporting activity. General techniques of concentrating comprises of avoiding distractions, skills to develop awareness (Syer and Connolly, 1984). Self statement This is your inner voice, what you an athlete says to him/herself. This aspect of self-talk relates to the manner athletes feel and also act. However, Jones and Hardy (1989) explains that changing ones self-statement and making it positive creates a positive mental position, which in term gives the body a positive approach to an a physically activities and makes the athlete to perform better in that activity. This observation is supported by Syer and Connolly(1984) who asserts that self-statement is as well associated with factors which are related to improved performance, for instance coping (Gibson and Heads, 1989), self-efficacy (Jones and Hardy (1989) and self-concept (Selkirk, 1980) In a study carried out by Cappaert and Rushall (1994) they established a direct impact of negative self-talk on swimmers performance. In another observation of 20 tennis players participating in a tournament, it was established that negative self-statement was linked to losing, those players who used positive self-statements and believed in its utility worn much more points as oppose to those with a negative self-talk (Holingen and Vikander, 1987). Positive self-statement was a crucial aspect of a game plan for improving results of basketball (Teed, 1987) and as Holingen, and Vikander (1987) explains for learning essential forms in ice-skating. And also for increasing the total number of wins by tennis players

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Khmer New Year in Cambodia

Khmer New Year in Cambodia Khmer New Year, or ‘Bon Chol Chhnam Thmei’ in the Khmer language, is the greatest traditional festival and national holiday in Cambodia, and the celebration last for three days. Khmer New year starts on April the 13th, 14th or 15th depending on the ancient horoscope â€Å"Maha Sangkran†, 2012 it starts on the 13 of April. The majority of the Cambodians are still farmers and Khmer New Year marks the end of the harvest season when farmers enjoy the fruits of their labor and relax before the start of the rainy season.In the villages the people engage in traditional Khmer games, they play games such as the Bas Angkunh ‘seed throwing’, Chaol Chhoung ‘twisted-scarf throwing’, Leak Kanseng ‘twisted-scarf hide’ and dance to traditional Khmer songs. The first day of Khmer New Year is called â€Å"Maha Sangkran†, Sangkran means movement and refers to that the sun is moving into a new Zodiac sign and Ma ha means great. Some say that Maha Sangkran means welcome to the new spirits. In the morning the Cambodians will go to the temple and offer food to the monks and receive blessings.During this time the Cambodians clean and decorate their homes and prepare fruits and drinks on a table or in their spirit house to welcome the new spirits. Elderly people like to meditate or pray the Dharma because they believe that any spirit that comes to their home will stay with them throughout the whole year and take care of their family. The second day is called â€Å"Wanabot† and it is the day that they offer gifts to parents, grandparents and elders.In the evening of this day many Cambodians will go to the temple and build a mountain of sand to remember their ancestors who have passed away and have the monks give them blessings of happiness and peace. The third day is called â€Å"Leung Sakk† and this is the first day of the new year. In the morning the Cambodians go to the temple an d perform a ceremony where the mountain of sand gets blessed. The last ceremony is called â€Å"Pithi Srang Preah† and the purpose of this ceremony is to honor and to give a special cleansing to Buddha Statues, the monks, elders, grandparents and parents.During this ceremony the participators apologize for any mistakes they have made during the last year. The Khmer New Year is not only a great festival it is also an opportunity to pass on the Cambodian traditions to the next generation. The History of Khmer New Year Posted on April 10, 2009 by Chanroeun Pa| 4 Comments In ancient countries of Chompou Tvip (the central continent of the seven continents surrounding Mount Meru) the elder people adopted the Khmer New Year’s date in Khe Mikase (January), i. e. he early year. According to the lunar calendar, they formerly chose three seasons including Heman Radov or winter, Kimha Radov ir hot season and Vasan Radov or rainy season. Since Chol Sakarach (Lesser Era) they have formally adopted the solar calendar and held the Khmer New Year Festival in Khe Chet (fifth month) that is a free time from their farming. Four main seasons in the solar calendar contain winter, spring, summer and autumn. The Khmer people have adopted the fifth solar month, known as Khe Chet, to celebrate their New Year festival.Usually, according to the solar calendar, the Khmer New Year falls on the 13th of April although sometimes it falls on the 14th of April. The auspicious occasion of the Khmer New Year is detailed in the astrological almanac and extends over three days. The first day is known as Maha Sangkran or â€Å"Great Almanac Day†, the second day is called Veara Vanabath or â€Å"Worshipping Day†, and the third day is known as Veara Leung Sak or â€Å"Rank and Promotion Day†. Of the three days Veara Leung Sak is considered the most auspicious.The history of the Khmer New Year is closely connected to the seven signs of the zodiac for the week. The le gend of the New Year is detailed in the Almanac which says: In ancient, happier times, a young man by the name of Thoamabal, the son of a tycoon, had an extensive knowledge of three Vedas (ancient books on Hinduism) by the age of seven. Thoamabal’s father built a temple under the spread of a large Chrey tree (a fig tree) on the banks of a river that was home to many species of birds. He had an innate ability that enabled him to understand the languages of birds. Thoamabal’s attributes allowed him to become a layman in charge of religious ceremonies for all classes of people. Upon hearing this news another religious leader Kabel Maha Prohm, decided to challenge Thoamabal with tree riddles. He vowed that if Thaomabal could successfully answer the riddles he, Kabel Maha Prohm, would be beheaded; however if Thoamabal could not answer the riddles correctly then it would be Thoamabal who would be beheaded. Thoamabal insisted on having seven days to answer the puzzling enigma until Kabel Maha Prohm agreed.For six days Thoamabal could not solve the problems and knew that he faced the prospect of being killed by Kabel Maha Prohm the next morning. He therefore decided to hide himself and let his life fade away by natural causes. He hid himself beneath a pair of sugar palm trees in which a pair of eagles were nesting, that night Thoamabal overheard the eagles talking. The female asked, â€Å"What will we eat tomorrow morning? † The male eagle replied, â€Å"We will eat the flesh of Thoamalobal because tomorrow he is going to be beheaded by Kabie Maha Prohm due to his inability to solve the riddles†.The female then asked, â€Å"What are the riddles? † The male answered, â€Å"The first riddle is, where is luck to be found in the mornine? † Of course the answer is that luck is on the face because people always take water to wash their faces. The second riddle asked, where is luck located at noon? It is on the chest because people a lways take water to wash their chests. Finally, the third question asked, where is luck located in the evening? The answer is that luck is on the feet because people always wash their feet in the evening.Thoamabal overheard all of the conversation and so happily returned to his temple. In the morning Kabel Maha Prohm came to ask Thoamabal if he could answer the three riddles. Thoamabal successfully answered each of the riddles. Kabel Maha Prohm realixing he had failed, called his seven daughters, who were maids of Branma, to learn of his fate. Kabal Maha Prohm said, â€Å"Your father is foing to be beheaded in front of Thoamabal. If my head is set on the earth , if will set fire to Earth, if my head is thrown into the air, the rain will evaporate, if my head is thrown into the sea, the sea will dry up.Therefore I ask you, my seven daughters to get a holy metal tray on which to set your father’s head†. Having said this, he beheaded himself and his head was passed to Nea ng Toungsa, the eldest of his daughters. She placed her father’s head on the holy tray and then proceeded to walk around Mount Meru for one hour, respectfully keeping the tray on her right hand. She then took the tray to the temporary sanctuary of Phnom Kailas. At Phnom Kailas, Preah Visakam created a hall where seven holy glasses (Pheakabatei Saphea) were set. The glasses were for use by angels during ceremonies.Each year the seven angels took turns to invoke the head of Kabel Maha Prohm to and complete a holy procession around Mount Meru. Following the holy procession the angels returned to their heaven. The Seven Angels of the Almanac: If the annual procession talls on a Sunday then the day will be known as Toungsa, Monday is Kooreak, Tuesday is called Reaksa, Wednesday is   Kereney, Friday is known as Kemera and Saturday is Mahaotra. During the Khmer New Year Festival, youths gather to play popular traditional games such as Chaol Chhoung (throwing a ball) and Bas Angkun h (throwing brown seeds).The youths are normally divided into female and male teams to play these games. In some parts of Cambodia, e. g. Siem Reap and Battambang, they play a game known as the â€Å"Trot Dance†. Trot performers dance and ask for alms from house to house in their village. A man will ride on a long curved stick with a deer’s head on one side and with a cluster of grass on the other side like the deer’s tail. Two men pretend to be hunters and are armed with a crossbow. When they receive alms they will donate it for the benefit of the local pagoda.In villages along the Mekong Riverinthe province of Kandal women gather to rowboats in front of the pagodas. This action is believed to appease the crocodiles. This custom originated long ago when many crocodiles lived in the river. In some villages, people trample on effigies to appease the ghosts that live in the trees near the pagodas and ask for happiness in the coming year. The Khmer people will gath er together and visit pagodas and temples on the occasion of the Khmer New year. Each year many residents from other provinces visit Angkor Wat to worship to the powerful gods and trace their ancestors’ heritage.

Projectiles Practical Report

Projectiles Practical Report 1. Introduction Velocity is a vector measurement of the rate and direction of motion or, in other terms, the rate and direction of the change in the position of an object. [1] Velocity can be found many ways through various suvat Equations and their rearranged forms. For example v2=u2+2as in which the square of the final velocity can be found if you know the objects initial velocity, the acceleration and the distance travelled. Using such formulae makes it possible to test equipment, efficiently and accurately. . Aim The aim of this practical is to build and evaluate the performance of a marble launcher, this is done by first finding the velocity of the marble using the equation v2=u2+2as, this will be done by conducting an experiment to first find the vertical distance (s) the marble travels and acceleration due to gravity (a). This will then be used to find the time the marble will travel for at angles of 30o, 45o and 60o using the equation v=u=at, rear ranging this equation to find the time the marble will travel at will become, .Taking the value and doubling it will give you the time it takes to reach the peak velocity and return to rest. This value is then used to predict the range the marble will travel from a set angle via the rule Distance = Speed X Time. These distances will be compared to actual distances tested and evaluated. 3. Procedure 3. 1 Apparatus †¢ Protractor or set square †¢ Meter rule †¢ Small sand pit †¢ Safety spectacles †¢ Compression spring †¢ 1cm diameter plastic conduit †¢ 1cm diameter rubber bung to fit †¢ Marble †¢ Nail 3. 2 Method 1.Firstly the assembly of the launcher, after placing the nail through the pre-cut hole transecting the pipe, the marble is placed inside followed by the spring, the bung is fixed securely in the bottom of the pipe causing tension on the spring which is held until the pin is released. 2. Fixing the launcher to a clamp stand secures t hat during firing of the marble it will remain at the same angle. 3. Start the experiment by firing the marble vertically to find an average result for the distance the marble travels (Table 4. 1). 4. After this the results can then be used to find the Velocity of the marble. . Using the calculated velocity and suvat equations an estimation for the distance travelled by the marble and the time the marble travelled for can be found for set angles of launch measuring 30o, 45o and 60o. 6. Actual results are then compiled (Table 4. 2). 7. And compared to the estimates (Table 4. 3). 4. Results Table 4. 1: Table showing the mean height travelled by the marble Height travelled by marble (cm) 1 129 2 103 3 98 AVERAGE HEIGHT = 110cm or 1. 1m From this result the Velocity can be determined using the equation v2=u2+2as v2=02+2(9. 8Ãâ€"1. 1) 2=21. 56 v = 4. 64 ms-1 With this result for v the times for each angle can be calculated using the equation v=u=at, rearranging this equation to find the time the marble will travel will become, . and so for the angles 30o, 45o and 60o the calculations are as follows. 600) = = 0. 24s to 2 d. p 450) = = 0. 33 to 2 d. p 300) = = 0. 41 to 2 d. p To find and estimate a distance from the times found previously the value for time is used to predict the range the marble will travel from a set angle via the rule Distance = Speed X Time, speed we know to be 4. 4ms from earlier in the experiment. And time for this calculation is double that of the value found previously because we only worked out the peak velocity, doubling the time compensates for the time taken to reach the peak and the time taken to return to the sand pit. Lm 600) Distance = Speed X Time = 4. 64 x Cos60 x 0. 48 = 1. 93m 450) Distance = Speed X Time = 4. 64 x Cos45 x 0. 66 = 2. 17m 300) Distance = Speed X Time = 4. 64 x Cos30 x 0. 82 = 1. 90m These values are the estimates for the distance travelled by the marble from a launcher at set angles. Table 4. : Table showing the t esting of the launcher at set angles. Test 1 (m) Test 2 (m) Test 3 (m) Average (m) 600 1. 3 1. 4 1. 2 1. 3 450 1. 8 1. 8 1. 8 1. 8 300 1. 6 1. 6 1. 7 1. 63 The averages for each angle when calculated are then compared to the estimates made previously. Table 4. 3: Table showing the time taken, the estimated distance travelled and the actual distance travelled by the marble at set angles of trajectory. Angle of Trajectory Time (s) Estimated Distance (m) Actual Distance (m) 600 0. 24 1. 93 1. 50 450 0. 33 2. 17 1. 80 300 0. 41 1. 90 1. 65 5. Summary 5. 1 DiscussionThe practical was simple enough to evaluate the performance of a marble launcher. It did this efficiently and without major complication. The assembly of the launcher is straightforward with simple components and functions, the testing is easy to carry out, and the results found from the experiment are fairly accurate. 5. 2 Conclusion From the results it was found that the actual distance was less then the estimated distance in all three scenarios. The results did however show similarities between the two sets of data. Both sets showed a pattern where the 30o and 60o values were lower than the 45o value.These two results also appeared to be very similar values in both the estimated and actual calculations. 5. 3 Evaluation The experiments accuracy is fair but could be improved, due to the need for a person to operate the launchers release mechanism, consistency is lost during each firing of the launcher, this could be improved with a mechanical release mechanism or a different style of launcher for example a compressed air powered device. 6. Reference [1] Andrew Zimmerman Jones. 2012. Velocity – Definition of velocity. [WWW] http://physics. about. com/od/glossary/g/velocity. htm. (17 October 2012)

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Deep Vein Thrombosis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Deep Vein Thrombosis - Essay Example This condition was chosen because it was interesting that there are so many different ways that DVT can develop. DVT is defined as a blood clot that appears in the thigh or lower leg. (National Health Lung and Blood Institute, 2009). The blood clot goes deep into the body and it is a result of blood thickening and then clumping together. When a blood clot goes deep into a vein, it can break off and move through the individual’s blood stream. Many people have heard about embolisms and this is what the loose clot is called. The blood clot can block blood flow to the lungs and heart at any time When it blocks off blood flow to the lungs, it is called a pulmonary embolism (PE) (National Health Lung and Blood Institute, 2009). PE can become so severe that it can cause damage to other organs and eventually will cause death. There are many situations in which DVT can begin. In some situations, a blood clot can happen after surgery. When an individual leads a very sedentary lifestyle without a lot of movement, the blood flow can become sluggish, which can allow the blood to clot in the veins. Some causes happen because of an inherited condition, hormone therapy, or taking birth control pills (National Health Lung and Blood Institute, 2009). Most doctors and researchers say that there are only a few risk factors that they have been able to find in this situation. Some of the risk factors include injury to a deep vein after surgery, obesity, and having heart problems. Also, when people get older, they have a tendency to be more sedentary and DVT has been shown to happen in people over 60. The signs and symptoms of DVT are very subtle and most people will not know that they are ill. The other challenge is that only about 50% of people have symptoms before something larger begins to happen. Some of the signs and symptoms are: 1. Legs swelling or swelling of a vein in the leg. 2. Pain or tenderness in the leg, especially when standing or walking. 3. The leg feels warmer in one area than in the rest of the leg. 4. A read or discolored area in the skin appears. 5. PE—which can begin with â€Å"coughing up blood, an unexplained shortness of breath, pain when deep breathing or rapid breathing with a fast heart rate†.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Ethical Decision Making in Criminal Justice Assignment

Ethical Decision Making in Criminal Justice - Assignment Example This clearly illustrates how far ethics encroach into personal desires. To start with, it is unethical to lie in the questionnaire. However, in the event that the prospective police officer lies and does not get discovered, there still will be implications on the officer’s operations. One of the ways in which this event would affect the police officer’s operation is through the initiation of a chain of events geared at covering up the past. The police officer will always be afraid that one day the truth may be discovered leading to a tougher consequence; maybe get dismissed and a jail term on top of it all. This greatly impedes on the police officer’s execution of duties due to the fear of getting discovered as well as a guilty conscience(Prenzler, 2009).   Telling the truth would have been the ethical thing to do for the police officer. This would have been the first step towards acceptance of past mistakes and indicating the will to forge ahead with no burden at all. Telling the truth serves as an indicator of how committed he is to upholding ethics in the new workplace. By telling the truth, the police officer will be free of any guilt and will also earn more credibility from the officers to whom he is required to report. This implies that the officer has more to gain than lose by telling the truth, which would in turn may be used as a basis to clear his name from the past mess. The decision must be based on personal discretion and possible results of the due process (Pollock, 2012). It would make no sense to reveal details of one’s involvement in a past mischief and leave the details of those that were party to it. It is obvious that there are agencies that will follow up the revealed details to confirm their validity and truthfulness. This means that the friend’s involvement will be discovered. In the event that, the friend’s details were left out, it would appear