Friday, December 27, 2019

Early Onset of Ahzheimers in Adulthood Essay examples

Alzheimer’s disease affects the lives of over 5 million Americans today. The cost that it has placed on the U.S is a staggering $203 million dollars. Researchers have reported that those numbers are expected to triple by 2050. However draining that this disease may seem, the real question is whether there is a solution. To this day there is still no cure to stop or even slow down th progression of the brain disease but there are treatments that help cover the symptoms. While the majority of the people who suffer from Alzheimer is generally over the age of 65, about 200,000, of the estimated 5 million, are in the age range of 30-40. First off the list is the impending question; what is Alzheimer’s? In short, Alzheimer’s is a degenerative,†¦show more content†¦While aluminum has been to be a neurotoxin, the fact that it could be a cause of Alzheimer becomes evident in the case of a 58 year-old Caucasian male who worked with the preparation of a material, D ARMATT KM1 that was used as insulation in the nuclear fuel and space industries(Exley, 2). This indicates that he was exposed to aluminum sulphate dust ona daily basis over 8 years. The Caucasian male eventually died at the age of 66, after multiple complaints of headaches, tiredness and mouth ulcers. This mans frontal lobe was then cut into fifty pieces each weighing approximately 300mg, this sample confirmed that this man had a extremely high dosage of aluminum in his frontal lobe alone and while it does not prove that it caused Alzheimers to appear it does indicate that aluminum was highly likely to have contributed to the rapid progression of the disease. There have been many more theories as to what causes the degenerative disease; Oxidative stress which occurs when the body creates too many free radical and their is an imbalance of available antioxidants then damage can occur. Amyloid Proteins can also be named for contributing to the growth of Alzheimers, such proteins as AB , tau, and oligomers can be the real culprit in the neurotoxicity that is the characteristic of AD (Shan 35). Clear indicators that one has Alzheimers disease is the inability to

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Pre-1914 Century Poetry Coursework Essay - 1672 Words

Pre-1914 Century Poetry Coursework In this piece of coursework I will be comparing love songs from six different poems by different authors. I will do ‘First Love’ by John Clare, ‘How Do I Love Thee?’ by Elizabeth Barret Browning, ‘A Birthday’ and ‘Remember’ both by Christina Rossetti, ‘When We Two Parted’ by Lord Byron and ‘Villegiature’ by Edith Nesbit. All these poems that I am going to be comparing are all written before the 20th century, in the early 1700’s and 1800’s era. Love is a strange but a wonderful and powerful emotion. There are many different types of love, such as the love between parent and child, close friends, and the love between husband and wife. Throughout history, love has been expressed in many†¦show more content†¦All six of these poems are trying to send out a message of how they have experienced love but in a different sort of way, for example ‘First Love’ is about a person loving someone for the first time but in this poem it can also be to do with his back ground he might be a worker on a farm and his first love is the owners daughter he is restricted due to something holding him back. How ever in the poem ‘Remember’ it is a sad song about a loss of a lover and that one of the lovers is reminding the other one to keep on thinking and remembering about me because I wont be back. The poem ‘How do I love thee?’ this is a sign of confused love, Elizabeth Browning is not sure how to express her to love to her lover and counts the ways in which she can â€Å"let me count the ways.† She also compares her love a lots of different things, â€Å"I love thee to the depth and breadth and height† she is comparing her love to no limits. These are a sign of abstract love things which are specific objects. All the poets are trying to express their love in a shape of poetry which all have different feelings and ideas about love. All these songs were written before the 20th century and use old style language, in all of the poems there use old English with words ‘thee’, ‘ail’ and ‘vair’. The ways in which these six poems are set out are formal straight to theShow MoreRelatedStatement of Purpose23848 Words   |  96 Pages(245). Identify graduate programs that specialize in your area or areas of interest. Remember, your statement should mention a specific program and perhaps even target a subdivision or an area within that program—not American literature but the 19th century American novel with an emphasis in American Realism and Naturalism. Learn about the professors in the program and familiarize yourself with their research; in other words, read some of their scholarly works—reviews, articles, monographs, and books

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Social Responsible Of International Business - Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss about the Social Responsible Of International Business. Answer: Introduction In the current business scenario, business organizations should also look after the social welfare also apart from their core business objective of profit maximization. This is due to the reason that, the current business scenario is much more competitive in nature with the presence of number of players in the same sectors. Thus, in order to maintain and enhance the goodwill and reputation and to stray ahead in the competition, it is important for the business organizations to initiate the process of corporate social responsibility (Blomqvist, 2014). This refers to the process of allocation of corporate fund for the wellbeing of the society. In the recent times, more contemporary business organizations are initiating activities related to the corporate social responsibilities (Zellweger et al., 2013). Tata is one of the leading conglomerates in the world with their operational facilities present in different locations around the world. They are based in India and have their presence in automobile sector, FMCG sector, fashion sector and steel industries (, 2018). This essay will only discuss about the automobile division of Tata or Tata motors. They are known for their preference for humane approach over commercial approach. In accordance to that, Tata motors follow extensive approach of corporate social responsibilities (, 2018). This essay will critically analyze the theories of social responsibility from the perspective of Tata motors. Moreover, different management theories will also be discussed for the critical analysis. Corporate social responsibility of the Tata motors Activities related to corporate social responsibility of Tata motors covers different areas ranging from health, education and skill development to environment welfare and community development. One of the key social activities in the health sector is setting up of community hospital in Jamshedpur, India along with activities in different locations. However, there are various implications on their business operation due to these activities. One of the key aspects that should be considered is the stakeholder analysis (Costa Menichini, 2013). This is due to the reason that, an organization will have different stakeholders with different interest and they will have diverse perception in view to the corporate social responsibilities. The interest between the customer and management of the organization will be conflicting due to the reason that, the objective of the customers will be to have more value creation from the organization. On the other hand, the objective of the upper level ma nagement will be to maximize profit by reducing the unwanted cost. Thus, with the initiation of the social activities, the reputation of the organization will get enhanced in the market. Customers will have more satisfaction by consuming their products. On the other hand, initiation of the corporate social responsibility will reduce the profit maximization for the upper level management. This is due to the reason that, corporate social responsibility will incur cost from the corporate fund without having any short term or materialistic profit (ORiordan Fairbrass, 2014). Thus, it is being considered as an extra cost for the organization by the upper level management. This led to the generation of conflict between the key stakeholders including the customers and the management. Theories of social responsibility There are various theories being stated by different authors regarding the social responsibility. However, two are the most important theories being used in the mainstream business scenario. Classical view of the social responsibility is one of them (Frynas Stephens, 2015). This theory is being stated by Milton Friedman. According to this theory, the first priority for any business organizations should be the profit and business maximization rather than concentrating on welfare of the society. He also stated that, initiation of the corporate social responsibility lead to the unwanted cost for the company along with taking extra responsibility. This theory states that, the responsibility of community development is with the government and not with the business organizations (Crane Matten Spence, 2013). Thus, in the case of Tata motors, initiation of different initiatives in different sectors causing more cost for them. As of 2016, Tata motors have spent more than 205.70 INR for the activities related to corporate social responsibility. In addition, this cost is not having any benefits for them in terms of increase in profit or revenue. This is due to the reason that, social activities are mainly being promoted for the bottom of the pyramid society and they are not the target customers for Tata motors. Thus, according to this theory, Tata motors should concentrate more on their core business activities over their existing social activities. The second theory is the socioeconomic view of social responsibility. According to this theory, social wellbeing initiatives by the organizations are as important as their core business objective for profit maximization (Huang et al., 2014). This is due to the reason that, this theory states contemporary business organizations are not only seen as economic establishment, rather than they are being considered as an institution, which will have influence in the surroundings and in the society. Thus, this theory promotes that the contemporary business organizations should initiate different social activities. In the case of the Tata motors, this theory is can get more effectively aligned due to the reason that, the business approach of the Tata motors matches with the socioeconomic theory of social responsibility. Due to the extensive social activities being practiced by Tata motors, the social image of them is being enhanced along with their brand identity effectively penetrated in the market. in the South Asian region, the brand of Tata motors is being considered as reliable and authentic. This is being made possible with the social activities that they maintain. Moreover, according to the socioeconomic theory, business organizations are not only for economic benefits, rather they should also engage in social welfare (Kolk, 2016). In accordance to that, Tata motors allocate a portion of their revenue for the social welfare. This helps them to have positive brand image in the market, which eventually helps them to push their products in the market effectively. Critical analysis through ethical theories According to the theory of Kantianism, the principles behind the actions should be right and should be considered in ethical way no matter what the result will be. Thus, the principles will be considered as ethical even if the output is not effective. In the case of the Tata motors, even if the output of their corporate social activities is not positive or effective, then also their initiatives will be considered as ethical (Segal Lehrer, 2013). This is due to the reason that, the investment that Tata motors have made in different sectors will have positive impact on the community and the society. Thus, according to the theory of Kantian ethics, the corporate social responsibilities of Tata motors can be considered as ethical. Limitations of the theories of corporate social responsibilities The classical view of social responsibilities is having various limitations, which are being identified. One of the key limitations is the lack of concentration on the social cause. According to this theory, business organizations should only look after their core business activities rather than doing social welfare. However, in the current business scenario, business organizations should also keep in mind their goodwill and reputation, which are not being stated in the theory. Thus, this theory does not adhere to the contemporary business scenario (Fooks et al., 2013). Another limitation identified is the lack of any details of the ideal approach of social responsibility. This is due to the fact that, according to this theory, business organizations should not promote social responsibilities. Thus, this theory is not stating any form or approach of social responsibility for the business organizations. On the other hand, socioeconomic view of the social responsibility is also having multiple limitations being identified. One of the key limitations being identified is having no clear idea about how to recover the cost incurred in initiating the social activities. This theory stated that, business organizations should promote social activities for the welfare of the society. However, it does not state the way of earning the revenue for these activities. Another limitation being identified is the negative implication of the social initiatives of the business organizations. This is due to the reason that, there may have negative implications for the particular social activity being initiated by the organizations. However, in this theory it is not being stated about how to mitigate these implications. Conclusion Thus, from the above discussion, it can be concluded that, Tata motors follows extensive approach of corporate social responsibilities in their business operation. This essay discussed about the approach of social responsibilities being followed by Tata motors with the help of two of the most popular theories of social responsibilities. It is being concluded that, approach of social responsibility of Tata motors is more aligned with the socioeconomic view theory compared to the classical view. Thus, Tata motors follow the contemporary approach rather than the old school approach. The social activities of them are also being critically analyzed with the help of ethical theories. It is being seen that, the approach of the Tata motors in view of their social responsibilities is ethical from the view of Kantian ethics. Stakeholder analysis is also being initiated in this essay in order to identify the conflict between different stakeholders. Reference Blomqvist, K. (2014). Building sustainable organizational trust in radical changethe interplay of organizational trust and mindfulness. InMindful Change in Times of Permanent Reorganization(pp. 131-145). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Costa, R., Menichini, T. (2013). A multidimensional approach for CSR assessment: The importance of the stakeholder perception.Expert Systems with Applications,40(1), 150-161. Crane, A., Matten, D., Spence, L. J. (2013). Corporate social responsibility in a global context. Fooks, G., Gilmore, A., Collin, J., Holden, C., Lee, K. (2013). The limits of corporate social responsibility: techniques of neutralization, stakeholder management and political CSR.Journal of Business Ethics,112(2), 283-299. Frynas, J. G., Stephens, S. (2015). Political corporate social responsibility: Reviewing theories and setting new agendas.International Journal of Management Reviews,17(4), 483-509. Huang, C. C., Yen, S. W., Liu, C. Y., Huang, P. C. (2014). The relationship among corporate social responsibility, service quality, corporate image and purchase intention.International Journal of Organizational Innovation (Online),6(3), 68. Kolk, A. (2016). The social responsibility of international business: From ethics and the environment to CSR and sustainable development.Journal of World Business,51(1), 23-34. ORiordan, L., Fairbrass, J. (2014). Managing CSR stakeholder engagement: A new conceptual framework.Journal of Business Ethics,125(1), 121-145. Segal, L., Lehrer, M. (2013). The conflict of ethos and ethics: A sociological theory of business peoples ethical values.Journal of business ethics,114(3), 513-528. (2018).Corporate Social Responsibility | Tata Motors Limited. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jan. 2018]. (2018).Overview | Tata Motors Limited. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jan. 2018]. Zellweger, T. M., Nason, R. S., Nordqvist, M., Brush, C. G. (2013). Why do family firms strive for nonfinancial goals? An organizational identity perspective.Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,37(2), 229-248.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Lady Macbeth is the real villain of the play do you agree Essay Essay Example

Lady Macbeth is the real villain of the play do you agree? Essay Paper In ‘The Tragedy of Macbeth’ . Shakespeare portrays many negative subjects through the Acts of the Apostless of Lady Macbeth which show the audience that she is a existent scoundrel of this drama. She holds a malicious docket and many immorality inclinations which separate her from the mean single. but this was merely after construing the witched prophase. Therefore. non merely doing her the lone guilty scoundrel in the drama. Lady Macbeth is no more than an embodiment of immorality. All of the Acts of the Apostless she committed in the drama were nil else but for her selfish wants to derive power of the state and go queen. Her declaration that she would hold ‘dash’d the encephalons out’ of her ain babe if she were to go queen proves of her narcissistic nature and heartless scruples. When she finds out the prognostications given to Macbeth to go male monarch. she instantly acts to make a program to slay the inexperienced person and respected King Duncan of Scotland. We will write a custom essay sample on Lady Macbeth is the real villain of the play do you agree? Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Lady Macbeth is the real villain of the play do you agree? Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Lady Macbeth is the real villain of the play do you agree? Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer ‘Unsex me here’ : Lady Macbeth is mentioning to her Feminine nature and she is seeking to state â€Å"Take away my feminine nature and take away my feelings so I feel no sorrow to assisting kill King Duncan! † ; There can be no understanding for Lady Macbeth. she meant all that she did and set herself in forepart of all people around her. The cardinal elements which make Lady Macbeth a nefarious human being is her inhumane scruples and deficiency of compassion for her victims. her obliquity and her use. The inquiry of whether a person’s existent province of head is accurately reflected from there outside visual aspect ( False visual aspects ) is a cardinal subject in Macbeth and Lady Macbeth is the primary perpetrator. She. every bit good as Macbeth show delusory traits. feigning to be good whilst be aftering flagitious offenses ; ‘Look like the guiltless flower. but be the serpent under’t’ : She is stating Macbeth to look guiltless. but under his bogus visual aspect he is traveling to slay King Duncan. This false visual aspect of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth is shown during the dinner banquet when Macbeth is shocked to gain that Fleance had escaped and is still alive. Though this false feeling exposed by Lady Macbeth had kept her artlessness. her attempt of burying her guilt is what had driven her mad and finally taking to her decease ; the cost of misrepresentation. Macbeth is most responsible for the evil done in the drama owing to the fact that his violent death of Duncan provokes the other slayings and immorality in the drama. Although Lady Macbeth is a portion of the slayings that occur in Macbeth. she is non responsible for the evil done in the drama. Lady Macbeth is a really craft. manipulative character. When she hears about the witches’ prognostication of Macbeth going the future male monarch of Scotland. she instantly demands Macbeth to slay Duncan so Macbeth could go male monarch. Lady Macbeth successfully persuades him to kill Duncan by oppugning his maleness. Lady Macbeth puts the thought in Macbeth’s head that he will be a coward if he does non perpetrate the slaying. After carrying him. Macbeth eventually commits the slaying. Therefore turn outing that Macbeth was to weak and delicate to state no. All characters played a convincing and augmenting function which could reline the focal point upon them as to who truly is to fault. Macbeth was aspiration and power greedy driving him to do dyer calamities with his married woman by his side. The Witches caused nil but problem for Macbeth. his belief in them was so high it led to him going insecure. These are all the grounds and things that caused the tragic events in the narrative of Macbeth.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Beowulf Essays (557 words) - Beowulf, Geats, Anglo-Saxon Paganism

Beowulf A hero is a person of distinguished courage who has outstanding qualities and abilities, who is admired for these having these aspects of their character and also admired for brave and noble acts. An Anglo-Saxon hero is a person who has good leadership qualities, is able and willing to provide people with a sense of security, and is willing to go into danger despite possible harm to themselves. These Anglo-Saxon heroes usually were kings or thanes because they distinguished themselves above others by doing a good for the greater of everyone. This person has to be willing to put their own lives on the line for the benefit of others. There are several heroic characteristics, all of which Beowulf possesses. First of these characteristics is honor. Honor is showing a sense of integrity in one's actions. When Beowulf went to the land of the Danes to kill Grendel, he did it not because he wanted money, but because he wanted to help out the Geats. Beowulf felt as if it was the right thing to do since he had been successful in past deeds which he proudly says in lines 321-322, where he says ?They had in remembrance my courage and might. Many had seen me come safe from the conflict,?. Beowulf expected no reward for his action, but rather just being able to ?put another notch in his belt.? Another heroic characteristic, which Beowulf possesses, is bravery. Bravery is being able to go against the odds and possibly risk your life in the process. An example of Beowulf showing bravery is when he goes to slay the dragon even though all his men abandon him. He realizes that the dragon is more powerful than he is, but he will still not back down. In line 1493, he says ?Not one foot's space will I flee from the monster,? thus showing his true bravery by not giving up to the more powerful foe. One more heroic characteristic of Beowulf is his strong sense of duty. This means that he is always devoted to his people, his king, and their security. An example of this is again when he goes to slay the dragon. He has no help, he realizes that the dragon is more powerful, and most importantly, he realizes that he will probably not be returning victorious from this battle. In other words, he will die. In lines 1470-1474, it says ?Sad was his spirit, restless and ready, And the march of Fate immeasurably near; Fate that would strike, seek his soul's treasure, And deal asunder the spirit and flesh. Not long was his life encased in the body!? This basically means that Fate was soon to run its course and he would loose his life in battle. He had to and did go along with this because he was the king and it was his responsibility to provide security for his people. Even though it was his responsibility, he didn't have to do it; he could have run away like others may have. Overall, a hero is a person with distinguished qualities who goes against adversity to commit good deeds despite what could happen to them. A hero is a person who does things out of honor, bravery, and duty, not for rewards. Beowulf encompasses all of these qualities. English Essays

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Manhattan Conspiracy1 essays

Manhattan Conspiracy1 essays Thesis: The research for the first Atomic bomb was done in the United States, by a group of the best scientists; this research was given the name of The Manhattan Project. On Monday July 16th, 1945, a countdown for the detonation of the first atomic bomb took place near Los Alamos, New Mexico. This atomic bomb testing would forever change the meaning of war. As the atomic bomb was detonated it sent shock-waves all over the world. There was endless research done on the bomb in the United States. The research was called The Manhattan Engineer District Project but it was more commonly known as "The Manhattan Project."1 The Manhattan Project was brought by fear of Germany and it's atomic research. On account of the fear of Germany the United States took action upon testing their own atomic bomb. Once the bomb was tested, the United States had to decide whether it should be used and if so, where? Then there was the process of dropping the bomb. The Manhattan Project was overall one of t he highest and most significant projects ever done in the United States.2 The United States government was shocked by the news of German scientists discovering nuclear fission. The news came to the United States from Albert Einstein. Einstein found out the nuclear fission information from a German physicist named Leo Szilard. He then told it to President Franklin D. Roosevelt and urged him to start an investment toward atomic research. 3The research would then help construct an atomic weapon of mass destruction. Roosevelt was not especially concerned about investing in atomic weapon research because he didn't plan on getting involved in the War. When Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese, Roosevelt entered the war and sent significant funds to the construction of the atomic weapon. Roosevelt speeded up the process of research by having General Groves setup a committee of the brightest minds from all around the world. Because most...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Jamie Olivers Approach to business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 28

Jamie Olivers Approach to business - Essay Example This paper illustrates that Oliver has been able to create a niche market position in the catering business overcoming the challenges of stressful conditions, high competition, and low payment. The main reason has been his leadership initiatives that thrive on clear vision, effective communication, perseverance, and capacity to inspire others. The researcher would also create the clear and strong vision with long-term objectives and short-term goals that would be shared with the workforce. By working along with his workforce, the researcher would serve as the model that would inspire them for higher achievement. Teamwork has been an integral part of Oliver’s approach to work. Argote believes that motivated teamwork is based on sharing of knowledge, understanding and mutual respect. As a leader, the author would ensure that team learning processes are encouraged for higher productivity. Effective communication amongst the workers not only helps to resolve conflicts but also inc ulcates an understanding of cross-cultural values and helps develop mutual respect. It also encourages the workforce to be committed to the organizational goals and work towards excellence, both in terms of goal delivery as well as personal and professional growth. The constant learning environment is yet another major feature of Oliver’s approach that would be used to provide the opportunity to the workforce to improve their skills and core competencies to meet the challenges of time. In the current environment of global competition, learning environment of organization would help create a group of human capital whose competencies could be exploited to gain competitive advantage within the industry. Judicious planning and work details were important aspects of Oliver’s managerial approach.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

B2C to B2b Marketing Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

B2C to B2b Marketing Paper - Essay Example Traditionally, businesses begin as B2C but as they expand and look for new markets develop a B2B operations. However, this model of development has significantly changed because of advances in technology. Though B2C and B2B's characteristics essentially remain the same, they have already exceeded their basic definitions. B2C refers to businesses dealing directly with consumers. The action of purchase is for the purpose of personal consumption. It is not to imply that the customer or consumer has to procure the product or service directly from the manufacture or service provider, B2C can take the form of a person buying a product from a store or person availing of a free spa treatment with a gift certificate or voucher. B2B in contrast refers to businesses engaging the service or procuring products for their own operations and not for consumption. An example of B2B would be a bakery buying flour to produce its breads. The criteria defining whether the interaction is B2B or B2C is consumption (Koetler, 1998). The objective in a B2C model is to promote or market a site is to be able communicate on a personal level. Each consumer will have different motivations and these motivations may vary greatly considering individual perception, socio-cultural background (both demographics and psychographics), and experience. These elements define the customers' needs which initiate the buying process. The following figure is an example of a depiction of what influences consumer behavior: Therefore, sites that wish to appeal to consumers have to focus on the characteristics of customers and to consider the decision process of these customers which characterizes the type of person that consumer is. In contrast, B2B customers' motivations or preferences are generally based on quantitative pre-defined needs or criteria. B2B transactions generally arise from the following: 1. Raw material or industrial supplies or services are needed to produce an end product to be sold in the open market 2. Raw material or industrial supplies or services are needed as components of processing a product 3. Products or services are bought form an original manufacturer for resale 4. Products or services are bought from s non-original manufacturer for the purpose of distribution 5. Products or services are bought as a complete system or "turnkey" operation. Figure 2 illustrates the buying process that characterizes the undertaking of B2Bs. It is not required that all of these stages are passed through in each B2B transaction. At this level, buyers are limited by the people and other factors that affect the company. This then highlights the influence organizational culture plays in the buying process. Therefore, in marketing a site on the B2B model, the marketer must consider not just that direct need but also the main use of the product, its users and even the tendencies or preferences of senior executives and others who have bearing on company policies (Johansson, 2001). Differentiating Approaches in B2C and B2B Table 1 summarizes the differences between B2B marketing and B2C marketing. Marketing

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Teeces Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Teeces Model - Essay Example This study highlights that Eurocopter is one organisation that applies this model to enhance its dynamic capabilities hence this essay seeks to explain the different steps in the model with regards to applicability to the organisation’s operations. From this discussion it is clear that it is imperative that the organisation should first sense the opportunity from the environment in order to develop its dynamic capabilities. Sensing refers to the ability to scan and create an opportunity from the environment and it also refers to the organisation’s ability to learn and interpret those opportunities. The sensing stage is mainly comprised of four elements namely: processes to direct internal R&D and also select the new technology, processes to tap the external development in technology, processes to exploit the innovation from supplier and complementor as well as the processes to target the market segment and managing customer needs and innovations. As far as the processes to direct internal R & D and new technology are concerned, it can be noted that Eurocopter internally perceives the opportunity on the blade business. The blades often require to be repaired as they form a very important aspect in the life of the helicopt er hence Eurocopter finds this as a big opportunity in the blade business if they can increase competency in terms of blade business processes which may include design, manufacturing and maintenance of composite rotor blades, propellers, turbine blades as well as other issues related to repairs. Under the strategic alliance the organisation collaborates with many external partners given that it strongly believes that these parties will help it to improve its innovativeness on the blades. It also has a joint manufacturing project with the other companies such as Kawasaki.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Why personal management is important to firms

Why personal management is important to firms Human Resource Management, in simple, is a way of management that links people-related activities to the strategy of a business or organization, which at the same time satisfies individual needs and wants of employees. Over the years, Human Resource management went through lots of changes in its functions, roles, objectives, etc and, in the present day, it has reached a milestone from being just an administrative and operational management (personal management) to a strategic contributor (SHRM). The purpose of this report is to critically analyze the importance for HR management to transform from being primarily administrative and operational to becoming a more strategic contributor. The objectives of this report are to, Explain What is Personal Management and what is Human Resource Management Identify the factors which influenced the change Explain The importance of shifting from Personal Management to SHRM Present real world examples to prove the importance of the change This report will be focusing on the secondary research materials such as Human resource books, business articles, online journals, professional web pages to provide explanations and real world examples for the reader, to support the argument. Personnel Human Resource Management Traditional HRM or Personnel HRM can be defined as handling, directing, and controlling of individual employees rather than of employee as a group. It deals with individual relationships, including employees problems with management with employees as non-organized groups. It covers the acquisition andà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. (Perfecto S. Sison,2009,p17) Basically personnel HRM is considered as a traditional, routine, maintenance-oriented, administrative function which doesnt involve the higher level managers of the organization, and, maneuver at the operational level of an organization, performing tasks such as dealing with pay sheets, complying with employment law, and handling similar functions, etc. This mainly focuses on the individual person rather than the employees as whole and tries to satisfy the employees using wages, bonuses, compensations, simplified jobs, etc and to ultimately result in achieving organizational success. As mentioned above, the functions of personnel HRM can be broadly classified as employment, development, compensation and employee relations, which involve only the lower level management of an organization, making it a separate function from the main management of the organization. Strategic Human Resource Management Strategic HRM focuses on aligning all the HR functions of an organization with the business strategy that the organization is currently based on. SHRM is generally perceived as a distinctive approach to managing people which seeks to achieve competitive advantage through the strategic development of a highly committed and capable workforce (Appleby Mavin (2000) s555). SHRM is about managing the human capital of an organization in such a way as to achieve some type of competitive edge. Having not only a committed workforce, but also having a workforce that is highly trained for the job that must be performed achieves the competitive edge. Moving in this direction is where human resources become SHRM. The starting point for SHRM, unlike the traditional HRM which starts from the people, starts from the organizations requirements and needs about having a suiatable workforce. Also SHRM involves not only the operational level managers, it involves higher level managers such as HR managers and it directly incorporates with the organizations strategy by formulating, implementing and evaluating companys strategies through human resource activities which may involve recruiting, selecting, rewarding and training company personnel. The Below diagram shows how Human Resource Strategy matches the Organization strategy. Managing human resources: personnel management in transition/   By Stephen Bach/4th edition Blackwell bublishin, 2005 The above diagram suggests that modern HRM is not a separated function as it was in past, and clearly shows that it is interconnected with the strategy, culture, current situation, financial resources of the organization. SHRM is focused on the contributions that the HR strategies could make to enhance organizational effectiveness, and how these strategic contributions are achieved and it involves designing and executing a set of internally constant policies and procedures to ensure that an organizations human capital contributes to the core business objectives and strategies. Contrasting Personnel Management with Strategic HRM Personnel management, from name itself suggests that, it is all about managing and developing the people and the skills employed. On the other hand, SHRM is focused on developing employee knowledge, abilities, talents, aptitudes, creative abilities, etc. Personnel management is a more reactive way of managing HR because it only includes administrative tasks that are both routine and traditional only providing a response to demands and apprehends as they are presented. Where as SHRM is more proactive, involving continuous development of HR functions and policies for the purposes of improving a suitable workforce for the company, in present and for future needs. Personnel management is often regarded as an independent function which typically the sole responsibility of the personnel department of an organization, where as SHRM is an integrated function which often involves all the managers of an organization in some manner to develop the skill sets and abilities of different employees in different departments to achieve a main goal of the entire organization. Personnel Management creates high ambiguity in achieving goals and taking decisions as its a separate function from the core management where as SHRM delivers less ambiguity as it is in line with the organization strategy and integrated with other functions of an organization. Personnel management motivates employees through increased salaries, bonuses, compensations, simplified jobs etc, where as in SHRM, the motivation is gained through work groups, effective strategies for meeting challenges, and job creativity. Transition from Traditional HR to SHRM In the modern business world, the key for a successful business is to integrate all the functions of a business to make sure all departments and functions of the business flows in the same direction. To achieve that competency, the traditional HR managing system had to be transformed into a more integrated, top-management-involved, strategy oriented function, known as SHRM. Competition, Globalization, technological advancement, demographic factors are the most possible factors which influenced the change. Competitive advantage When a firm is implementing a value creating strategy not simultaneously being implemented by any current or potential competitors, then it can be said the firm has a competitive advantage (Managing human resources: personnel management in transition/  By Stephen Bach) SHRM system capabilities can contribute to sustainable competitive advantage because they 1) can help exploit opportunities and neutralize threats in a firms environment, (2) are difficult to develop and therefore rare in the competitive environment, (3) are very difficult to imitate, and (4) cannot be easily displaced by strategically significant substitutes. Delta Air Lines, Southwest Air lines, Walmart are good examples for businesses which climbed to the top of the ladder using the competitive advantage. Changing the Mind Set Businesses have to completely change their mind set in the process of making personnel management into a more strategic partner. Personnel managements strong focus on administrative tasks and the inability to directly measure its impact on the outcome was the major down fall of personnel management, limiting its contribution to the business strategy. Therefore, Strategic HRM needed a completely different mind set, which focuses mainly on transformation using change management instead of focusing on administrative and operational activities. Demographic Influence If the business strategy of the organization is to spread the business in different geographic areas or in different cultural backgrounds, the business should use, not personnel management but SHRM to match the business strategy. Using the personnel management will disregard the fact that the employee should culturally match the job, should be equipped with appropriate language skills, match the required gender and the religion, to suit the area that he has to work, and it will only facilitate to achieve the HR strategies like recruiting cheaper people, having basic qualifications etc. This has a negative impact on the business as it cannot effectively serve their customers, so the business has to use SHRM in order to align the HR strategies with business strategies, to consecutively match the business that they are doing. IBM in Australia and New Zealand is made up of many different people from many different cultures and backgrounds. The common thread between us is our commitment to IBMs success in the marketplace and IBMs long-standing values and belief in inclusion Impact of Globalization In order to grow and prosper many companies are seeking business opportunities in global market. This has affected the HRM management system as well. So globalization is the main component that would affect to the shift of THRM to SHRM. It is the integration of business activities across the geographical and organizational boundaries. Coca Cola Company has 92,400 associates around the world live and work in the markets we serve more than 86 percent of them outside the U.S. In this geographically diverse environment, employees learn from each market and share those learning quickly. As a result, Coca Cola Company culture is ever more collaborative. From beverage concept and development to merchandising, our associates are sharing ideas across departments and markets in new ways. Consequently, Coca Cola Company associates are increasingly enthusiastic about their work and inspired to turn plans into action. Coke website Technology As the rapid change of technology, the companies have to change their human resource management system into more strategic approach. The strategic HRM along with technology; facilitates employees to improve their work life balance, creativity and productivity. For example Motorola is extending human capabilities by providing integrated wireless communication and embedded electronic solutions for the individual, the work-team, the vehicle, and the home. Motorola is committed to providing technology that will increase employee productivity attract and retain key talent and help employees balance their professional and personal lives. Source; The recruitment goes high-tech in Vietnam; the service is an extension of the Labor Departments website (, where employees can access job information. It is said to be the Departments solution to ineffective and formulaic job fairs in Vietnam. The new service will make it faster and easier for employers and job seekers to connect. As a start, the new online site has employment details from over 1,000 foreign and local companies in Hanoi, and will soon expand to 1,400. Within the first week of its launch, employers had connected with and hired nearly 1,300 job seekers through the service. Current Role of SHRM The business world today uses the SHRM methods and benefits thorough it very effectively. Some businesses focus on HR strategy more than the business strategy sometimes, and in some occasions the HR strategy becomes the business strategy as well. Microsoft is a good example for the HR strategy to become the core business strategy as well. A lot of what we do with the employee value proposition is just win in the marketplace. People want to know theyre with a winning teamà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. I tell Lisa still that in some senses our No. 1 HR strategy is our business strategy. When were succeeding and winning and doing great stuff, success breeds success. Business week The following diagram indicates how the Australian Governments Department of Education, Science and Training has executed their HR strategies to be align with the key organizational strategies. This resulted a positive outcome of the departments people management strategies in creating a motivated and engaged workforce and, through this, achieved a strong contribution to the delivery of business outcomes. An emphasis on strong leadership is a key strategic element for creating an environment of respect, support and development for all people in the department. In this way, the department has built and maintained a creative and engaged workforce able to deliver the governments growing and diverse education, science and training agenda. During the recession back in 2008, Pepsi came up with a business strategy to cut their cost, and the HR strategy matched the business strategy by laying off employees. According to Pepsi Bottling Groups chairman and chief executive officer Eric Foss, Pepsi Bottling Group Inc is planned to slash about 3,150 jobs across US, Canada Europe and Mexico as part of its restructuring plan. This is expected to result in pre-tax savings of up to $160 million. These moves will allow our business to better deal with the challenging macroeconomic conditions that currently exist, Coca-Cola has proved that tailoring career development to suit high-potential employees can dramatically increase internal promotions and thereby save the company huge recruitment costs which was a major objective of the finance division to reduce the overall cost. Conclusion Personnel HRM is considered as a traditional, routine, administrative function which doesnt involve the strategic level of the organization, and, creates high ambiguity, tends to be more reactive and works as a separate unit apart from the organization. strategic human resource management is a function which is focused on aligning the HR strategy with the overall business strategy to achieve organizational success and, is considered as a more proactive, integrated, and less ambiguous way of managing HR. Factors such as competition, globalization, economy, demographic factors, improving technology caused the human resource management to change from Personnel management to Strategic HRM Microsoft, IBM, Motorola, South West Airlines, Delta Air lines, Toyota are few examples for organizations who achieved business success through implementing SHRM in their organizations. By critically analyzing all the factors in this report, it can be concluded that it was exceptionally important for the businesses to change their way of managing human resources from traditional HRM to Strategic HRM, in order to face the external factors effectively and lead their business into the top of the ladder.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Hiroshima & Nagasaki :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When Truman made his decision to drop the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, I think it was a bad idea, but in a good way of protecting ourselves from Japan. The reason why I think it was a bad decision was that he didn’t really give them enough time to respond, and send a surrender letter. When we didn’t receive a letter, we figured they didn’t take us seriously. I think the Japanese didn’t get the letter yet, or we didn’t give them enough time to respond to it. The reason why I think it was a good thing we responded when we did, is because in the time of waiting for that surrender letter, we could have given them enough time to come and attack us when we weren’t ready for it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  July 25, 1945, Truman made his final plans to drop the first and only two atomic bombs in existence, at this time, on Japan. A day after his decision, the United States of America warned Japan of their attack, and that they would stop only if Japan surrendered. Japan refused to surrender.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On August 6, 1945, President Truman dropped the first atomic bomb, named â€Å"Little Boy†, on the Japanese center, Hiroshima. Seconds later almost every building collapsed to the ground. Even after the Hiroshima bombing, Japan still refused to surrender. In regards to their â€Å"response†, three days later we dropped the second bomb, named â€Å"Fat Man†, right on top of Nagasaki, Japan. Destroying half of the city, and taking 200,000 people’s lives, due to radiation poisoning and injuries caused by this deadly atomic bomb.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After the second blast, Emperor Hirohito finally realized that his innocent people were getting hurt. He decided very quickly to end this war and surrender to the Americans. He told his leaders to â€Å"draw up the papers, to end the war†.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Deception Point Page 89

Gabrielle knew Sexton was eagerly awaiting her arrival for a complete rundown on the PODS situation. Unfortunately, she also now realized that Sexton had deftly manipulated her tonight. Gabrielle Ashe did not like being managed. The senator had kept things from her tonight. The question was how much. The answers, she knew, lay inside his office-just on the other side of this restroom wall. â€Å"Five minutes,† Gabrielle said aloud, mustering her resolve. Moving toward the bathroom's supply closet, she reached up and ran a hand over the door frame. A key clattered to the floor. The cleaning crews at Philip A. Hart were federal employees and seemed to evaporate every time there was a strike of any sort, leaving this bathroom without toilet paper and tampons for weeks at a time. The women of Sexton's office, tired of being caught with their pants down, had taken matters into their own hands and secured a supply room key for â€Å"emergencies.† Tonight qualifies, she thought. She opened the closet. The interior was cramped, packed with cleansers, mops, and shelves of paper supplies. A month ago, Gabrielle had been searching for paper towels when she'd made an unusual discovery. Unable to reach the paper off the top shelf, she'd used the end of a broom to coax a roll to fall. In the process, she'd knocked out a ceiling tile. When she climbed up to replace the tile, she was surprised to hear Senator Sexton's voice. Crystal clear. From the echo, she realized the senator was talking to himself while in his office's private bathroom, which apparently was separated from this supply closet by nothing more than removable, fiberboard ceiling tiles. Now, back in the closet tonight for far more than toilet paper, Gabrielle kicked off her shoes, climbed up the shelves, popped out the fiberboard ceiling tile, and pulled herself up. So much for national security, she thought, wondering how many state and federal laws she was about to break. Lowering herself through the ceiling of Sexton's private restroom, Gabrielle placed her stockinged feet on his cold, porcelain sink and then dropped to the floor. Holding her breath, she exited into Sexton's private office. His oriental carpets felt soft and warm. 107 Thirty miles away, a black Kiowa gunship chopper tore over the scrub pine treetops of northern Delaware. Delta-One checked the coordinates locked in the auto navigation system. Although Rachel's shipboard transmission device and Pickering's cellphone were encrypted to protect the contents of their communication, intercepting content had not been the goal when the Delta Force pulse-snitched Rachel's call from sea. Intercepting the caller's position had been the goal. Global Positioning Systems and computerized triangulation made pinpointing transmission coordinates a significantly easier task than decrypting the actual content of the call. Delta-One was always amused to think that most cellphone users had no idea that every time they made a call, a government listening post, if so inclined, could detect their position to within ten feet anywhere on earth-a small hitch the cellphone companies failed to advertise. Tonight, once the Delta Force had gained access to the reception frequencies of William Pickering's cellular phone, they could easily trace the coordinates of his incoming calls. Flying now on a direct course toward their target, Delta-One closed to within twenty miles. â€Å"Umbrella primed?† he asked, turning to Delta-Two, who was manning the radar and weapons system. â€Å"Affirmative. Awaiting five-mile range.† Five miles, Delta-One thought. He had to fly this bird well within his target's radar scopes to get within range to use the Kiowa's weapons systems. He had little doubt that someone onboard the Goya was nervously watching the skies, and because the Delta Force's current task was to eliminate the target without giving them a chance to radio for help, Delta-One now had to advance on his prey without alarming them. At fifteen miles out, still safely out of radar range, Delta-One abruptly turned the Kiowa thirty-five degrees off course to the west. He climbed to three thousand feet-small airplane range-and adjusted his speed to 110 knots. On the deck of the Goya, the Coast Guard helicopter's radar scope beeped once as a new contact entered the ten-mile perimeter. The pilot sat up, studying the screen. The contact appeared to be a small cargo plane headed west up the coast. Probably for Newark. Although this plane's current trajectory would bring it within four miles of the Goya, the flight path obviously was a matter of chance. Nonetheless, being vigilant, the Coast Guard pilot watched the blinking dot trace a slow-moving 110-knot line across the right side of his scope. At its closest point, the plane was about four miles west. As expected, the plane kept moving-heading away from them now. 4.1 miles. 4.2 miles. The pilot exhaled, relaxing. And then the strangest thing happened. â€Å"Umbrella now engaged,† Delta-Two called out, giving the thumbs-up from his weapons control seat on the port side of the Kiowa gunship. â€Å"Barrage, modulated noise, and cover pulse are all activated and locked.† Delta-One took his cue and banked hard to the right, putting the craft on a direct course with the Goya. This maneuver would be invisible to the ship's radar. â€Å"Sure beats bales of tinfoil!† Delta-Two called out. Delta-One agreed. Radar jamming had been invented in WWII when a savvy British airman began throwing bales of hay wrapped in tinfoil out of his plane while on bombing runs. The Germans' radar spotted so many reflective contacts they had no idea what to shoot. The techniques had been improved on substantially since then. The Kiowa's onboard â€Å"umbrella† radar-jamming system was one of the military's most deadly electronic combat weapons. By broadcasting an umbrella of background noise into the atmosphere above a given set of surface coordinates, the Kiowa could erase the eyes, ears, and voice of their target. Moments ago, all radar screens aboard the Goya had most certainly gone blank. By the time the crew realized they needed to call for help, they would be unable to transmit. On a ship, all communications were radio-or microwave-based-no solid phone lines. If the Kiowa got close enough, all of the Goya's communications systems would stop functioning, their carrier signals blotted out by the invisible cloud of thermal noise broadcast in front of the Kiowa like a blinding headlight. Perfect isolation, Delta-One thought. They have no defenses. Their targets had made a fortunate and cunning escape from the Milne Ice Shelf, but it would not be repeated. In choosing to leave shore, Rachel Sexton and Michael Tolland had chosen poorly. It would be the last bad decision they ever made. Inside the White House, Zach Herney felt dazed as he sat up in bed holding the telephone receiver. â€Å"Now? Ekstrom wants to speak to me now?† Herney squinted again at the bedside clock. 3:17 A.M. â€Å"Yes, Mr. President,† the communications officer said. â€Å"He says it's an emergency.† 108 While Corky and Xavia huddled over the electron microprobe measuring the zirconium content in the chondrules, Rachel followed Tolland across the lab into an adjoining room. Here Tolland turned on another computer. Apparently the oceanographer had one more thing he wanted to check. As the computer powered up, Tolland turned to Rachel, his mouth poised as if he wanted to say something. He paused. â€Å"What is it?† Rachel asked, surprised how physically drawn to him she felt, even in the midst of all this chaos. She wished she could block it all out and be with him-just for a minute. â€Å"I owe you an apology,† Tolland said, looking remorseful. â€Å"For what?† â€Å"On the deck? The hammerheads? I was excited. Sometimes I forget how frightening the ocean can be to a lot of people.†

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on How To Become A Green Beret

The two crossed arrows, was worn during World War II by the best soldiers, the Special Service Force. All together they operate in about130 countries, speak about 15 different languages and hold higher-level positions than soldiers of the same rank. And unlike most soldiers, their mission is not as warriors but as teachers to soldiers and civilians in Third-World nations around the world. They are the Green Berets, soldiers who make up the Army's elite special forces. Becoming one of them takes fortitude and guts, said Capt. Todd Wilcox, recruiting detachment commander for the U.S. Army Special Operations Command at Fort Bragg, N.C. In order to become a green beret soldiers must be specialists and above, and officers must be First Lieutenants and above, before they can volunteer for the Special Forces. Also, a 23-day exercise in mental and physical endurance and one of several training courses for the Special Forces is required. Before a soldier attends SFAS, (Special Forces Asosiation) he's briefed about what to expect. Recruiters at Fort Bragg, and other select Army installations that recruit Special Forces soldiers explain what they'll do as members of a 12-man Special Forces Operational Detachment, or A-team, if they make it through Special forces association with three grueling phases then they will have a chance to become a Green Beret. The first week includes a variety of psychological and physical evaluations. A psychologist interviews each soldier to see if he's stable and whether he has problems from the past. The soldier must also meet the Army Physical Fitness Test standard for 17- to 21-year-olds, scoring at least 206 points, completing a 50-meter swim in boots and marching about 150 miles carrying a 50-pound backpack and a weapon. Week two includes more walking and marching but adds a 1.5-mile-long obstacle course with vertical obstacles 85 percent of which test upper body strength and a land... Free Essays on How To Become A Green Beret Free Essays on How To Become A Green Beret The two crossed arrows, was worn during World War II by the best soldiers, the Special Service Force. All together they operate in about130 countries, speak about 15 different languages and hold higher-level positions than soldiers of the same rank. And unlike most soldiers, their mission is not as warriors but as teachers to soldiers and civilians in Third-World nations around the world. They are the Green Berets, soldiers who make up the Army's elite special forces. Becoming one of them takes fortitude and guts, said Capt. Todd Wilcox, recruiting detachment commander for the U.S. Army Special Operations Command at Fort Bragg, N.C. In order to become a green beret soldiers must be specialists and above, and officers must be First Lieutenants and above, before they can volunteer for the Special Forces. Also, a 23-day exercise in mental and physical endurance and one of several training courses for the Special Forces is required. Before a soldier attends SFAS, (Special Forces Asosiation) he's briefed about what to expect. Recruiters at Fort Bragg, and other select Army installations that recruit Special Forces soldiers explain what they'll do as members of a 12-man Special Forces Operational Detachment, or A-team, if they make it through Special forces association with three grueling phases then they will have a chance to become a Green Beret. The first week includes a variety of psychological and physical evaluations. A psychologist interviews each soldier to see if he's stable and whether he has problems from the past. The soldier must also meet the Army Physical Fitness Test standard for 17- to 21-year-olds, scoring at least 206 points, completing a 50-meter swim in boots and marching about 150 miles carrying a 50-pound backpack and a weapon. Week two includes more walking and marching but adds a 1.5-mile-long obstacle course with vertical obstacles 85 percent of which test upper body strength and a land...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Script Writing Tips and Format Example

Script Writing Tips and Format Example Script Writing Tips and Format Example Script Writing Tips and Format Example By Michael If critics tell you that your stories have too much dialogue, maybe you should consider writing scripts. Its different from writing ordinary prose. For one thing, a script is not the finished work of art. Its the blueprint that the director and actors use to create the work of art. The good news about that: your words dont have to carry all the weight. As a playwright, I like the way a stronger actor can make up for my weaker writing. Unfortunately, the reverse is also true. But though a bad actor can completely misinterpret a perfectly clear line, a good actor can bring out the meaning that you were not quite able to express through words alone. Unlike a novel, there will be no great literature unless a character speaks it. An inarticulate man doesnt change just because you have a big noble speech you want him to make. Enter late, leave early. Every writer needs to remove anything that doesnt advance the story, but thats particularly true for scriptwriters. And sometimes you dont realize that a scene doesnt advance the story until you try removing it and discover that it still works. William Goldman, who wrote The Princess Bride and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid said, â€Å"You always attack a movie scene as late as you possibly can. You always come into the scene at the last possible moment.† In the same way, once youve made your point, dont belabor it. Always leaving them wanting more. Otherwise, they may start wanting less and leaving the theater early. A joke works best when its given no extra emphasis, when all the fat has been trimmed. Alfred Hitchcock told an interviewer in 1960, How does one describe drama? Drama is life with the dull bits cut out. Writing is a balance between saying too much and saying too little. Its a show: show dont tell The visual nature of the screen or stage makes it easier to follow the writers rule of show, dont tell.The rule is harder to follow on radio and podcasts, because they cannot show anything visually. So a scriptwriter must turn to narration, as he might in a book, or to less-than-subtle dialogue: Look out, he has a gun! Early TV hadnt found its sea legs yet as a visual medium, and perhaps depended on narrators more than necessary. But a film or play is more than a book in visual form. In an intriguing novel (nameless here, so I dont ruin it if you havent read it), friendly inhabitants take a mistrustful visitor into their home for the night. As he lies down to sleep, he slowly realizes that maybe his hosts have put on a friendly appearance only to trap him. In the television miniseries adaptation, the exposition depends on the visitor thinking out loud in bed for several minutes as his host listens. It was awkward: What if you plan to spring on me as soon as I realize the danger? Thank you for reminding me. I'll do that now. Maid and butler talk on a do-it-yourself basis, since you dont have to pay a maid or butler. No wonder the novelist found the miniseries just boring. This scene could easily have been adapted more cinematically, showing not telling, based on the novelists own words. INT. HOST'S BEDROOM - NIGHT The CAPTAIN is lying in bed. He glances at his HOST in the other bed. He lifts his head to look again more closely. His host's bedsheet is pulled back, revealing his hand. CLOSE UP - the HOST'S HAND has four fingers, with claws. The Captain carefully rolls back the covers. He slips from bed and walks softly across the room. HOST: (coldly) Where are you going?" CAPTAIN: For a drink of water. HOST: But you're not thirsty. CAPTAIN: Yes, yes, I am. HOST: No, you're not. FOOTSTEPS as the captain tries to run across the room. CAPTAIN (O.S.) He screams twice. SILENCE. The TICKING of an old CLOCK. People dont need to say exactly what they mean. In real life, people dont say, I asked you how you were doing because I wanted you to ask me how I was doing, since I wanted to talk with you so that you would feel comfortable enough with me to say Yes when I asked you out on a date. Real life is more subtle. Behind the text, there is the subtext the thoughts that motivate the character to speak. When a scene has too little subtext or subtlety, people say it is too on the nose. We dont need everything spelled out, and it isnt as much fun. You dont want a mystery writer to spell everything out, do you, except perhaps at the end. We can tell if someone is romantically interested in someone else by the way they say, How are you doing? A script leaves less to the audiences imagination. Many authors make a point not to describe their characters appearance too precisely, to make it easier for diverse readers to relate to the story. But when you see The Hunger Games on the screen, now you know what Katniss Everdeen looks like, and can no longer easily imagine that she looks like you. Unless you happen to look like Jennifer Lawrence. However, the writer can only suggest visual details. He or she cannot mandate that the movie be filmed in New Zealand and co-star Kevin Bacon, much as the writer may visualize the story just that way. Proper format shows professionalism. If you submit your novel to a publisher, and it isnt double-spaced with a one-inch margin (with only one space after a period), you will appear inexperienced and possibly inept, which you dont want to be. But a script has even more complex formatting requirements, with lots of white space, specific indents, and particular capitalization conventions. A script is written in present tense, with no more than two or three lines per paragraph dialogue too. Twist your plot, then twist it again. Sure, publishers would love to get their hands on the Harry Potter of the 2020s but not if its exactly like Harry Potter. They dont want potential readers to say, I already have a book about an Indian boy who spends 227 days in a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger. I dont need another one. You might have come up with that brilliant plot device all on your own, without the inspiration of somebody else, but if it happens to have already been used by somebody else, your chance for a sale just went way down. Ironically, to create a truly original story, you have to become very familiar with other peoples stories, to make sure that yours is sufficiently different from them. Good writing must include the unexpected. So when you come up with one good idea, keep coming up with more. If you dont have enough good ideas, try browsing through the standard plot types. But you can build twists yourself. You could summarize The Silence of the Lambs in a brief logline, as follows: An F.B.I. agent tracks down a serial killer. Other stories have had that same premise. How about adding to it? A young F.B.I. cadet must confide in an incarcerated and manipulative killer to receive his help in catching another serial killer. Now that is getting more interesting. But dont stop yet. A young F.B.I. cadet tracks down an elusive serial killer as she develops his psychological profile, reluctantly confiding in a manipulative psychologist who has been locked up for years after committing a series of similar murders. Instead of an ordinary F.B.I. agent, now there is a particularly vulnerable one, mismatched for the task. Because instead of one murderer, now there are two murderers, both clever, and one is stalking the other from behind bars. Satisfied? With that kind of carefully planning, your script could win an Academy Award, as The Silence of the Lambss script did. The original novel sold 11 million copies. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Fiction Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:36 Adjectives Describing Light50 Types of PropagandaOne Scissor?

Sunday, November 3, 2019

King Report on Corporate Governance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

King Report on Corporate Governance - Essay Example This also calls for a more transparent disclosure by business entities of their established governance practices in their annual reports. Such reporting requirements are not limited only to public companies but even the privates companies are also expected to follow recognized governance policies and report thereon. Several initiatives have been taken to integrate and organize different principles of corporate governance and arrive at a set of definite guidelines. These initiatives were undertaken by various orgnisations and committees including the United Nations Conference of Trade and Development. Some of the other organisations and committees whose reports are used to form the guide lines are: Out of the above reports this paper envisages making a critical review of the King Report 2002 and also makes a comparative analysis of the Kings Report with the The OECD principles on Corporate Governance - 1999. This is the central theme on which the King (II) Report is evolved. The King (II) Report published in the year 2002 was prepared by 'task teams' consisted of representatives from institutional and private investors, civil society regulators, and government officials. This way the report aimed to bring in the view points of all kinds of stakeholders in to the report. "The King II Committee itself was composed of 'leading proponents' of corporate governance as well as 'representatives of significant professional, private and public sector institutions'. Local and international consultation was 'extensive', with the Institute of Directors in Southern Africa providing a 'facilitative role' and secretarial support" (Armstrong et al2005). King (II) contains CODE OF Corporate Practices and Conduct ('the code') and the report's recommendations are applicable to all companies listed in Johannesburg Stock Exchange and several other public and private organizations including certain government organisations. King II Report contains recommendations relating the following six areas of corporate governance: The role and responsibilities of the Board and Directors: The report recommends guidelines for fixing the accountability of the board of directors by redefining the responsibilities of the directors towards all the internal and external stakeholders including the shareholders The aspect of Risk Management: In order to achieve the organisational goal of wealth creation and also to sustain the growth of the company it is important for the board to follow recognized principles of risk management. The function of internal audit: The report identifies the critical role of an internal

Friday, November 1, 2019

The Way Incentives Work and Types of Motivation Problems Research Paper

The Way Incentives Work and Types of Motivation Problems - Research Paper Example Every incentive program is based on a formula for enhancing motivation that engages four fundamental variables: effort, performance, outcomes, and satisfaction. The logic behind these programs goes something like this: employees at Property Management Company will put in the accurate quantity of effort to meet performance hopes if these part-time employees at the small privately owned property management company obtain the types of outcomes that include pay raises and promotions which will provide part-time employees satisfaction. (Hanlan Marc, 2004) In simpler words, the property management company should provide its employees what they want, and employees will work hard to get it. Conversely, the problem with most incentive programs like of Property management company is that they center exclusively on the submission of outcomes and overlook the three beliefs that are the key to making the motivation solution work: The first conviction compacts with the relationship between employee effort and performance. The second compacts with the relationship between performance and outcomes. And the third compacts with the relationship between outcomes and satisfaction. These three beliefs form the basis of the belief system of motivation and performance. Accepting that these beliefs are decisive preconditions for motivation helps to explain why incentive programs generally yield such lackluster results like in case of Property Management Company Since employees do not always hold these beliefs to be true, attempts to improve motivation by using incentives cannot make the grade, even when the incentives are highly desirable ones. (Thomas, 2004)

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Breast Feeding and Childhood Obesity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Breast Feeding and Childhood Obesity - Essay Example It has been estimated that 80% overweight adolescents continue to be obese in adulthood (Noller and Paulk, 2005). Added to these problems, childhood obesity imposes huge health care costs on the nation (The Role of Media in Childhood Obesity, 2004). Childhood obesity and overweight also increase the risk of cardiovascular disease in adulthood (Eisenmann, Bartee and Wang2002). Obesity usually begins at 5-6 years of age and then during adolescence. There are reports that obesity between 10- 13 years of age is likely to advance to adult obesity (AACAP, 2008). Thus, measures to prevent childhood obesity become very essential to decrease mortality and morbidity in adulthood. One such measure is breast feeding. Research has shown that breast feeding has several benefits both to the mother and baby. One such benefit is protective effect of childhood obesity. In this study, the protective effect of breast feeding during infancy on the development of obesity in childhood will be evaluated and ascertained. The observations made by the researcher during clinical practice and field visit placements have inspired him to conduct this research. Childhood obesity is a challenge to the society and the physicians. It leads to adult obesity and is associated with mortality and morbidity. This aspect inspired the author to conduct research. As Burns and Grove (1997) stated, clinical experience frequently gives rise to the identification of a research topic and expands scope for reflection. Reflective practice is essential to clinical practice and provides a retrospective look at current practice and questions the reason for doing so. Thus, it is because of reflection that the author was able to raise questions which prompted to this research study. Literature review Several studies have been conducted in the past to ascertain the impact of breast feeding in early years of life on the development of obesity later in life. According to a study conducted by von Kries, Koletzo, Sauerwald et al (1999), there exists a clear dose-response relationship between the duration of breast feeding on the prevalence of childhood obesity and overweight. According to the study, breast feeding has a protective effect on the development of obesity and overweight. In their study, the prevalence was "3.8% for 2 months of exclusive breast feeding, 2.3% for 3-5 months, 1.7% for 6-12 months, and 0.8% for more than 12 months" for obesity and overweight. The authors concluded that prolonged breast feeding is a useful preventive measure for the development of childhood obesity and overweight and that such a measure will decrease the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases and other morbidity and mortality associated with obesity. According to a systematic review conducted b y Arenz, Ruckerl, Koletzko et al (2004), breast feeding h

Monday, October 28, 2019

Homelessness Essay Example for Free

Homelessness Essay Homelessness is defined as the situation where one has no decent place to stay mostly because they cannot afford it. Homeless families are those who lack permanent places to live in and instead have to live in shelters, motels, cars, campgrounds or with family members or friends. The extent of homelessness varies with varying factors in the US for instance the geographical location, gender and age. (Levinson D, 2004). Homelessness in the USA is a social or rather a national problem that has been increasing over the years. Giving the exact or accurate figures of homeless people in the US is a difficult task as it tends to be a temporary problem. Again, the approach used to count the homeless people is using the service providers who deal with them paving way for miscounting as not all homeless people would use such facilities. According to a research by the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty in 2007 there were approximately 3. 5million people in America out of which 1. 35 were children. The population affected by poverty is diverse in the sense that it incorporates single adults, adults with children as well as the homeless youth. (National Coalition for the Homeless, 2008). This paper will focus on the nature, scope and population affected by homelessness in the US; it will also highlight the possible solutions to the problem. As David in ‘Encyclopedia of homelessness’ noted one way of estimating the extent of family homelessness in the US was to establish the number of homeless people who were from homeless families. It was established that over 41% of the homeless people came from homeless families. (Levinson D, 2004). The National Coalition for the Homeless estimated that in 2003 the number of children below 18 years was 39% of the total homeless population 42% of which were children below five years of age. In terms of gender, the proportion of the males versus females varied when varying factors were put into account. For the single adults without children males were more than females at 65% but for those with children the proportion was lower at 35%. The number of homeless people with children has been increasing over the years in both the rural as well as the urban areas. (National Coalition for the Homeless, 2008). The history of homelessness in the US dates back to the period before the American Revolution and is therefore not a recent phenomenon. This was triggered by the need to seek better employment opportunities in places far from homes. The issue however came to the public domain in the 1980’s and the federal, state as well as local governments channeled finances to resolve the problem. (Rossi P, 1991). These efforts included the establishment of shelters and housing programs but the problem persisted precipitating the adoption of another model to address the issue. It became apparent that the homeless needed the provision of supportive programs and the housed ‘homeless’ would be treated as tenants in their permanent housing. (Levinson D, 2004). As various scholars have established the major cause for homelessness in the US is poverty which makes houses unaffordable to many who can barely afford the necessities of life let alone the expensive houses. (Ploeg J and Scholte E, 1997). Such people cannot afford food, health care, education and child care. Despite the fact that over the years the economy has been growing and it is expected that people’s standards would improve this has not been attained in a uniform manner. Low income earners have faced the music as their pays have remained relatively low and this situation is made worse by the fact that their jobs offer minimal or no benefits. (Burt R, 1999). Their wages have either remained stagnant or have been falling all attributed to the fact that the bargaining power of the labor unions has reduced and the value of the minimum wages eroded. Temporary or part time jobs, increased globalization and a reduction of jobs in the manufacturing sector also contribute to reduced wages. Reduced wages make housing unaffordable to many as housing costs more than the minimum wage. Proof that the reduced wages play a significant role in perpetuating homelessness in the US can be seen in the high numbers of fulltime employed worker living in shelters. (Levinson D, 2004). A reduction in federal assistance to the poor has also led to aggravated poverty rates which lead to homelessness. Programs that initially assisted the poor for instance the Food Stamps and Temporary Assistance to Needy Families have been reduced and the poor have to feel the full weight of all the costs they need to meet. (Levinson D, 2004). Lack of housing assistance programs also makes the problem of homelessness intense. Low cost housing units introduced were ineffective in realizing the intended goal of assisting the needy. Some were converted to expensive apartments and the poor were left unassisted. A stronger economy sees the prices of housing rise making them unaffordable to many poor people. Levinson D, 2004). There were also minimal house assisted units against a massive number of poor people and many had to stay on long waiting lists. As people wait to be placed on the low cost housing units they had to look for places to live in. Other factors that trigger homelessness include the lack of affordable health care which sees people with an added cost to meet. Domestic violence also leads to homelessness especially when battered unemployed women run away from their battering and bread winner husbands. Mental illness also plays a role in influencing homelessness in the US. Statistics have it that over 15% of the total homeless population suffers from some form of mental illness. Some suffer from chronic or persistent mental illnesses or disorders. (National Coalition for the Homeless, 2008). Natural calamities are also to blame for homelessness in America. A good illustration is the hurricane Katrina and Rita which saw the destruction of over 300000 homes. (Mathison S and Ross E, 2008). Since the problem of homelessness is caused by many factors, no single solution would suffice to whip it out. It is important to adopt both proactive as well as reactive approaches. Proactive measures would be geared to preventing homelessness while the reactive measures would be resolving the problem after its occurrence. It would be vital to ensure that the minimum wage is uplifted so that even the low income earners have a higher amount of money at their disposal. The government ought to renew its commitment in providing low cost housing units. Educational programs among the homeless would place them at a better position in seeking for employment opportunities in the very competitive job market. This way the vicious circle of homelessness would be reduced. The government can also adopt measures that would ensure increased job opportunities as unemployment triggers homelessness. The adoption of community based programs for instance transitional housing as well as emergency shelter only offers temporary solutions and permanent solutions are vital. Since the homeless face many problems ranging from insecurity, inadequate health food supplies and medical care facilities their provision would be effective. (Wiecha L, Dwyer T and Dunn-Strohecker, M, 1991). The government at the various levels must see to it that the homeless gain accessibility to quality health as well as enough and nutritional food. The young children especially those below five years of age must be treated with the specialty they deserve. (Backner I and Bassouk E, 1997). Appropriate strategies must also be enforced to allow those suffering from mental illnesses that can be effectively treated from home gain access to housing as they form a sizable number of the homeless population. Programs to reduce alcohol and drug abuse would also be appropriate in the eradication of homelessness in the US. (Whitt C. 1994).

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Future of the grocery store :: essays research papers

Where will the grocery industry be in the near future? Chester Sideman and his wife Carmen married 25 years ago. After they married they decided that they did not want to be typical working Americans who worked from 9-5 and retired at age 55. They had always envisioned running their own company and running it in the form that they saw fit. After thinking long and hard they decided to build a company from the era that they were from. Being that they were from the â€Å"hippie† era, they fell in love with the idea of running a grocery store that provided a healthy alternative to the grocery shopping experience. A few years after opening, Chester and Carmen began to notice a trend. They were seeing that their health food store was beginning to gain popularity with the locals here in San Francisco, since so many were from the same era. Seeing this, the couple decided that they needed to expand and take full advantage of their popularity.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First they decided to expand into a neighboring store that had gone out of business. With this added space, they were able to triple their size and bring in an enormous variety of products that tied into the theme of the store. With this added size, they also found that they needed help in the day-to-day operations of running the store. Due to this fact they hired Craig Premer. Craig was a grocery industry professional that had worked for years in the business. He was also able to see the great potential that this store had.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After five years of Craig taking control of running the store, he had implemented all the ideas that he had to help build the grocery store. At this point, the store was doing great. Profit was double what it had been before Craig got there, but beginning to level off. Craig noticed this and had a talk with Chester and Carmen. Craig: Chester, we need to reevaluate what it is that you want out of this store at this point. I understand that this store has been doing very well the past few years, but with the increase in competition from stores like Whole Foods and Rainbow Grocery, I feel that changes need to be made. Chester: I know that our profits have been doing well and have started to level off, but do you think big changes need to be made?

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Adhd and Sleep Patterns

ADHD and Sleep Patterns The purpose of this research is to explore the sleep patterns of children with ADHD symptoms that have been reported by parents. The hypothesis according to O’Brien et al. (2003, p. 334) is that â€Å"domains of neurobehavioral function would be selectively affected by sleep-disordered breathing (SDB). † The null hypothesis according to this research is that multiple sleep disorders are more relevant in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD, symptoms. Some of the disorders are: obstructive sleep apnea, snoring, spontaneous arousals, rapid eye movement, and periodic limb movements. Data Collection The data used for this research was collected by O’Brien et al. (2003) using various methods. Questionnaires were distributed to the parents who were enrolling children into first grade. Out of the 11,983 surveys distributed, a total of 5,728 usable responses were available to sample, a total of 47. 6%. From these samples, the researchers found that 11. % of the children were reported snore often, and 7. 3% of those children who snored were reported by parents to have attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms. O’Brien et al. (2003) selected 83 children whose parents had reported them to show symptoms of ADHD to receive a sleep evaluation in a medical center, along with a control sample of 34 children with no reported signs of ADHD. After conducting the sleep tests, O’Brien et al. (2003) reported that 5% of â⠂¬Å"children with significant ADHD symptoms, and 7% of children with mild symptoms† (p. 57) had high periodic limb movements. It was also found that rapid eye movement was more prevalent in the high-symptom ADHD group. According to the study, â€Å"5% of children with significant ADHD symptoms, and 26% of those with mild symptoms† had indications of sleep apnea (O’Brien, 2003, p. 554). Conclusion According to research, children with many ADHD symptoms are no more at risk for rapid eye movement during sleep than children with no ADHD symptoms. Research also confirms that children with ADHD symptoms have a higher risk for other sleep disorders. This research cannot confirm that children with ADHD have higher rates of periodic limb movement. O’Brien et al. states â€Å"an unusually high prevalence of OSA was found† in children with ADHD (p. 561). O’Brien et al. (2003) rejected the null hypothesis of children with ADHD having a higher risk of all possible sleep disorders. Research has validated that children with ADHD have a higher risk of some sleep disorders but not all. More studies need to be done on children who have been medically diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder to evaluate any sleep disorders better. Reference O'Brien, L. , Holbrook, C. , Klaus, C. , Bruner, J. , Wang, M. , Tuell, A. , et al. (2003). Sleep and Neurobehavioral Characteristics of 5- to 7-Year-Old Children With Parentally Reported Symptoms of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Pediatrics, 111(3), 554. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Renaissance Art

World History 2 Renaissance Art â€Å"The Renaissance is studded by the names of the artists and architects, with their creations recorded as great historical events† (Arthur, 2008). The Renaissance was an epoch of great art and literature, and was a period of time when people shifted away from the ideas and traditions of the Middle Ages. Many of the most prominent educators, artists and architects were from this period. Artworks dating from the 1 5th century to the 16th century, during the Renaissance era, express ideas of individualism, imitations of classical antiquity and the understanding of proportions and realism.Michelangelo David, the self-portrait of Raphael, and Leonardo dad Vine's Mona Lisa depicts the idea of individualism. Unlike the paintings during the Middle Ages that mostly contained religious themes that glorified God, the works of these artists focused on the potential of man, and each of them had their own unique style that showed their different talents a nd capabilities. â€Å"Art in the Renaissance brought out the individual† (Scotsman, 2008). Michelangelo sculpture, David (1501-1504) shows he idea of an ideal Renaissance male.The sculpture is shaped into a physically perfect man who stands in a confident manner. This symbolizes that man's capacity for personal development is unlimited; knowledge and a broad range of abilities are within every man's reach (How To Be, 2008). A self-portrait of Raphael (1504-1506) also shows how individualism was valued during the Renaissance. Repeal's self- portrait of himself portrays the idea of â€Å"self-glorification† (Scotsman, 2008). Leonardo used many of his own novel techniques and ideas to paint Mona Lisa.The way the object's eyes were painted, the way the subject's mouth curved into a subtle smile, and the landscape behind the subject that appears to be a fictional place gave the painting it's uniqueness (The Mona Lisa, 2009). Many of the artists during the Renaissance focus ed on individuality and on painting in their own unique styles to portray the potential of human beings. Imitation of classical antiquity can be seen in renowned artworks such as Leonardo dad Vine's Vitamins Man (1490), and Repeal's The School of Athens (1509-1510). Both of artists studied the findings and observations of the Romans andGreeks, and used them as a reference to create their own works of art. The Vitamins Man was sketched by Leonardo dad Vinci in honor of the Roman architect Vitreous. Dad Vinci used Vitreous's ideas of perception and proportion to create the sketch (Vitamins Man, 2012). He read the ancient Roman texts and combined it with his actual observations of the human body. Repeal's The School of Athens is a painting that exhibited many well-educated Greek scholars and educators. Plato and Aristotle are painted right in the center of the painting with Socrates on top of the staircases The School of Athens, 2012).Many artists during the Renaissance looked back int o the works of their ancestors, combined the ideas of the past and present to create their own paintings and artwork. The proportions and realistic features that can be seen in Michelangelo The Creation of Adam (1 51 1), and Leonardo dad Vine's Vitamins Man (1490), is one of the factors that define Renaissance artwork. Both Michelangelo and Dad Vinci studied the human anatomy to produce more realistic artworks. In The Creation of Adam, God is resting on the outline of the human brain (Hall, 2013). All the figures in the painting had depth and perspective.Leonardo sketch of the Vitamins Man was carefully proportioned. The length of the outspread arms were equal to the figure's height and the length of hand is one-tenth of the height. The sketch also shows the symmetry of the human body. The artists during the Renaissance focused greatly on realism, painting all their artworks with great detail of every part of the human body. The Renaissance was a period of time when artworks shifted away from only focusing on religion to representing individualism, classical antiquity, and respective and realism.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

A summary of Othello by William Shakespeare.

A summary of Othello by William Shakespeare. Act1The setting of this play takes place in Venice. In beginning of the play Iago, a soldier under Othello's command, is arguing with Roderigo, a wealthy Venetian. Roderigo paid Iago a large sum of money to spy on Othello for him. Roderigo wants to take Othello's girlfriend/wife, Desdemona, as his own. Roderigo thinks that Iago has not been telling him enough about Desdemona and that Iago's loyalty is to Othello not him. Iago explains to Roderigo that he hates Othello because Othello promoted Cassio as his officer or lieutenant and not himself as he had expected. Iago and Roderigo decide to cause problems for Othello by informing Brabantio, Desdemona's father, about her relationship with Othello, who is a Moor (an African). This enrages Brabantio, and he sends parties out that night to apprehend Othello. He believes that Othello must have used magic or tricked his daughter into marriage because she would not have gone on her own free will.Othello and Desdemona in Venice, 1850, oil on wood...When Brabantio and his men find Othello, Othello has been summoned by the Duke of Venice to discuss the problems with Cyprus. Brabantio wants justice for what he believes Othello has done to his innocent daughter and agrees to bring this matter in front of the Duke. The Duke is meeting with several senators discussing the problem with their enemy, the Turks. Brabantio complains to the Duke that Othello has bewitched his daughter and has had intimate relations with her. The Duke allows Othello time to explain his relationship with Desdemona. Othello tells everyone how he wooed Desdemona with his stories of his life. Brabantio does not believe the story, so the Duke sends for Desdemona to tell everything. She confirms everything that Othello had said. The Duke advises Brabantio to accept the marriage and then...

Monday, October 21, 2019

USS Lexington (CV-16) - World War II Aircraft Carrier

USS Lexington (CV-16) - World War II Aircraft Carrier USS Lexington (CV-16) - Overview: Nation: United States Type: Aircraft Carrier Shipyard: Fore River Shipyard - Bethlehem Steel Laid Down: July 15, 1941 Launched: September 23, 1942 Commissioned: February 17, 1943 Fate: Museum Ship, Corpus Christi, TX USS Lexington (CV-16) - Specifications Displacement: 27,100 tons Length: 872 ft. Beam: 93 ft. Draft: 28 ft., 5 in. Propulsion: 8 Ãâ€" boilers, 4 Ãâ€" Westinghouse geared steam turbines, 4 Ãâ€" shafts Speed: 33 knots Complement: 2,600 men Armament 4 Ãâ€" twin 5 inch 38 caliber guns4 Ãâ€" single 5 inch 38 caliber guns8 Ãâ€" quadruple 40 mm 56 caliber guns46 Ãâ€" single 20 mm 78 caliber guns Aircraft 110 aircraft USS Lexington (CV-16) - Design Construction: Conceived in the 1920s and early 1930s, the US Navys Lexington- and Yorktown-class aircraft carriers were designed to conform to the limitations set forth by the Washington Naval Treaty. This agreement placed restrictions on the tonnage of different types of warships as well as capped each signatorys overall tonnage. These types of restrictions were affirmed through the 1930 London Naval Treaty. As global tensions increased, Japan and Italy departed the treaty structure in 1936. With the collapse of the this system, the US Navy began designing a new, larger class of aircraft carrier and one which drew from the lessons learned from the Yorktown-class. The resulting design was wider and longer as well as included a deck-edge elevator. This had been employed earlier on USS Wasp (CV-7). In addition to carrying a larger air group, the new design possessed a greatly enhanced anti-aircraft armament. Designated the Essex-class, the lead ship, USS Essex (CV-9), was laid down in April 1941. This was followed by USS Cabot (CV-16) which was laid down on July 15, 1941 at Bethlehem Steels Fore River Ship in Quincy, MA. Over the next year, the carriers hull took shape as the US entered World War II following the attack on Pearl Harbor. On June 16, 1942, Cabots name was changed to Lexington to honor the carrier of the same name (CV-2) which had been lost the previous month at the Battle of the Coral Sea. Launched on September 23, 1942, Lexington slid into the water with Helen Roosevelt Robinson serving as sponsor. Needed for combat operations, workers pushed to complete the ship and it entered commission on February 17, 1943, with Captain Felix Stump in command. USS Lexington (CV-16) - Arriving in the Pacific: Steaming south, Lexington conducted a shakedown and training cruise in the Caribbean. During this period, it suffered a notable casualty when the F4F Wildcat flown by 1939 Heisman Trophy winner Nile Kinnick crashed off the coast of Venezuela on June 2. After returning to Boston for maintenance, Lexington departed for the Pacific. Passing through the Panama Canal, it arrived at Pearl Harbor on August 9. Moving to the war zone, the carrier conducted raids against Tarawa and Wake Island in September. Returning to the Gilberts in November, Lexingtons aircraft supported the landings on Tarawa between November 19 and 24 as well as mounted raids against Japanese bases in the Marshall Islands. Continuing to operate against the Marshalls, the carriers planes struck Kwajalein on December 4 where they sank a cargo ship and damaged two cruisers. At 11:22 PM that night, Lexington came under attack by Japanese torpedo bombers. Though taking evasive maneuvers, the carrier sustained a torpedo hit on the starboard side which disabled the ships steering. Working quickly, damage control parties contained the resulting fires and devised a temporary steering system. Withdrawing, Lexington made for Pearl Harbor before proceeding on to Bremerton, WA for repairs. It reached Puget Sound Navy Yard on December 22. In the first of several instances, the Japanese believed the carrier to have been sunk. Its frequent reappearance in combat coupled with its blue camouflage scheme earned Lexington the nickname The Blue Ghost. USS Lexington (CV-16) - Return to Combat: Fully repaired on February 20, 1944, Lexington joined Vice Admiral Marc Mitschers Fast Carrier Task Force (TF58) at Majuro in early March. Taken by Mitscher as his flagship, the carrier raided Mili Atoll before moving south to support General Douglas MacArthurs campaign in northern New Guinea. Following a raid on Truk on April 28, the Japanese again believed the carrier to have been sunk. Moving north to the Marianas, Mitschers carriers next began reducing Japanese air power in the islands prior to the landings on Saipan in June. On June 19-20, Lexington took part in the victory at the Battle of the Philippine Sea which saw American pilots win the Great Marianas Turkey Shoot in the sky while sinking a Japanese carrier and damaging several other warships. USS Lexington (CV-16) - Battle of Leyte Gulf: Later in the summer, Lexington supported the invasion of Guam before raiding the Palaus and Bonins. After striking targets in the Caroline Islands in September, the carrier commenced attacks against the Philippines in preparation for the Allied return to the archipelago. In October, Mitschers task force moved to cover MacArthurs landings on Leyte. With the beginning of the Battle of Leyte Gulf, Lexingtons aircraft aided in sinking the battleship Musashi on October 24. The next day, its pilots contributed to the destruction of the light carrier Chitose and received sole credit for sinking the fleet carrier Zuikaku. Raids later in the day saw Lexingtons planes aid in eliminating the light carrier Zuiho and the cruiser Nachi. On the afternoon of October 25, Lexington sustained a hit from a kamikaze which struck near the island. Though this structure was badly damaged, it did not severely hamper combat operations. In the course of the engagement, the carriers gunners downed another kamikaze that had targeted USS Ticonderoga (CV-14). Repaired at Ulithi after the battle, Lexington spent December and January 1945 raiding Luzon and Formosa before entering the South China Sea to strike at Indochina and Hong Kong. Hitting Formosa again in late January, Mitscher then attacked Okinawa. After replenishing at Ulithi, Lexington and its consorts moved north and commenced attacks on Japan in February. Late in the month, the carriers aircraft supported the invasion of Iwo Jima before the ship departed for an overhaul at Puget Sound. USS Lexington (CV-16) - Final Campaigns: Rejoining the fleet on May 22, Lexington formed part of Rear Admiral Thomas L. Spragues task force off Leyte. Steaming north, Sprague mounted attacks against airfields on Honshu and Hokkaido, industrial targets around Tokyo, as well as the remnants of the Japanese fleet at Kure and Yokosuka. These efforts continued until mid-August when Lexingtons final raid received orders to jettison its bombs due to the Japanese surrender. With the end of the conflict, the carriers aircraft commenced patrols over Japan before taking part in Operation Magic Carpet to return American servicemen home. With the reduction in fleet strength after the war, Lexington was decommissioned on April 23, 1947 and placed in the National Defense Reserve Fleet at Puget Sound. USS Lexington (CV-16) - Cold War Training: Redesignated as an attack carrier (CVA-16) on October 1, 1952, Lexington moved to the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard the following September. There it received both SCB-27C and SCB-125 modernizations. These saw modifications to Lexingtons island, the creation of a hurricane bow, installation of an angled flight deck, as well as a strengthening of the flight deck to handle newer jet aircraft. Recommissioned on August 15, 1955 with Captain A.S. Heyward, Jr. in command, Lexington began operations out of San Diego. The following year it commenced a deployment with the US 7th Fleet in the Far East with Yokosuka as its home port. Arriving back in San Diego in October 1957, Lexington moved through a brief overhaul at Puget Sound. In July 1958, it returned to Far East to reinforce the 7th Fleet during the Second Taiwan Strait Crisis. After further service off the coast of Asia, Lexington received orders in January 1962 to relieve USS Antietam (CV-36) as a training carrier in the Gulf of Mexico. On October 1, the carrier was redesignated as an anti-submarine warfare carrier (CVS-16) though this, and its relief of Antietam, was delayed until later in the month due to the Cuban Missile Crisis. Taking over the training role on December 29, Lexington began routine operations out of Pensacola, FL. Steaming in the Gulf of Mexico, the carrier trained new naval aviators in the art of taking off and landing at sea. Formally designated as a training carrier January 1, 1969, it spent the next twenty-two years in this role. The final Essex-class carrier still in use, Lexington was decommissioned on November 8, 1991. The following year, the carrier was donated for use as a museum ship and is currently open to the public in Corpus Christi, TX. Selected Sources DANFS: USS Lexington (CV-16)USS Lexington Museum